posted onTuesday, March 31, 2009 by Huimin
give school a skip today, really wasn't really well, had fever in the morning and i felt super cold. i'm feeling better now, thanks god, can't risk to fall sick on the day of SYF! i guess the standard really raise Day1: GWH= 0 Gold= 3 Silver= 11 Bronze= 4 Day2:GWH= 2 Gold= 2 Silver= 6 Bronze= 10 3more days to SYF, i need to catch the first bus on that day if i'm not wrong, if not take cab ba..... need to sleep super early the day before. wearing full band uniform and take a public bus aroung 5.40 in the morning, how werid will that be?! i think i'll need to wake up at 5 or soemthing, anything later then that and i'll be late. must make FULL USE of tomorrow sectional, i'll try not to slack and clear all my parts.
posted onMonday, March 30, 2009 by Huimin
maria, natasha and me have a bet-whoever talk fisrt will lose maria lost at the 1 st half an hour, natasha lost at the 1 sthour and i won! so 2 vitasoy for me!!!!! the game last for 3hours...... band today was hell fun! we have some inside secret which the conductor want to know but we can never ever talk him. lots of laughter today, i laugh until i cry and my face went red. 4days to SYF, have to report even earlier to school that day. Conductor was like scraying the shit out of us, talking about the tuning room, the "final tuning session", the cool hall and room, wearing an extra shit under our band uniform. meeting at 615am and leaving school at 715am on the dot when reporting time is at 845am and coming to school in band uniformJust thinking about it..... we need to be mentally prepare, as Elysia was saying something about the standards getting higher as each day pass. I really hope or rather want us to archive a SILVER, as this is our chance to prove to our own school that we can do it! and everyone else can STOP LOOKING DOWN ON US.Lets Do This As A Band, Staying As Close As We Can, And Be Confident of What We Will Be Presenting.
posted onSunday, March 29, 2009 by Huimin
Just read tessa's newest post in LJ. Lastly, I can't wait for BAND. Where we are going to work hard as one, 75 band strength, all for that silver. Why waste my 3rd year, dreading time in the band? When I could be looking forward, smiling, smiling to myself. be so lucky to have loving seniors, adorable juniors, two very awesome band leaders, a cool committee and great Teacher I/Cs and band conductors who refuse to give up on us, who are making us stretch our potential. Have to totally agree to her. we are a 75 menWomen band, united as one and will always be. 3rd year in the band and 1st SYF this year, we had been through good and bad times together, from the time we have lots of fun like the KL trip in 2007 and the time when we got scold badly and nearly cried and even time we all shared the same feeling. My next SYF will be 2years later, where many sec3 express will graduate already, why not give it my best shot now when my batch are still around. After this SYF, our lovely senior will be passing out, preparing for their 'O' Levels. Why not get it our best shot to prove to the teachers and schoolmate we, the band can get the SILVER so that they will NEVER look down on us!
posted onFriday, March 27, 2009 by Huimin
i think that i was posting rubbish last few days, i was so stress out i just put random stuff in it. today is finally friday! Kuro Bara tomorrow! hope band won't drag till too late :( 7more days to SYF, waking up at super early that day, stupid mr. rama, never wash hand before he take the number[jkjk] 7days left...need to do my best! after that can drop dead!
posted onThursday, March 26, 2009 by Huimin
in the end, this sat band exchange must go on our own, lucky i live near the school, don't need wake up so early or worry about getting lost. must reach school at 6.30A.M. for SYF, why my school time slot so early!!!!! the day before need to sleep early le, don't think i'll be doing that day homework, since not even attending school :P tomorrow is finally friday! i need a break! all the stress from band and school is too much! my head hurt!
posted onTuesday, March 24, 2009 by Huimin
got back Report book yesterday, was disappointed with my mum respond, after all, it is not like getting 2 nd place is easy, maybe it is because it is only common test. this week there will be 5days of band, monday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday! than next week would be monday, wednesday, thursday and FRIDAY[ SYF!!!] and saturday i can just drop dead and sleep my day away at home. During CD today, they give us a tell about * choug choug* sex education..... they ever show us how to put on condom....lucky my school all girls... XP
posted onMonday, March 23, 2009 by Huimin
today is stress full! Lots of homework to do after band. band today was alright, tessa came back from bangkok and offered everyone mealworms, which must of us scream and run away. band exchange change school, hopefully we still can have the school bus to bring us there. my life as a normal student was over a fews hours ago, i accepted the job after thinking over it during the march holiday.
posted onSunday, March 22, 2009 by Huimin
today is sunday, the last day of march holiday..... and 2weeks away from SYF. i don't get it, do i always look sad when taking the bus home? all i do on the bus was sit and listen to my MP3. maybe because i was tried or something sick. you don't expect me to smile on the bus right? that would make me look like an idiot, smiling at no one. i don't wish to talk about this anymore, really bother me alot
posted onSaturday, March 21, 2009 by Huimin
my fever is not going away, and i felt horrible during band today. was extremely cold and i was sleepy and hungry. slight read "Road of Gokusen" it is really a nice song. though it is hard as there is high running notes. next week is kuro bara le. good news is: i'll be going and going for dinner with friends! bad news is: i'll be there late, maybe around 2to3? have band exchange that day, somemore the school we will be going to will be all the way at Jurong. it is like the other part of Singapore. our school is really poor. 1st have no money to pay the conductor[don't know problem solve anot] now we don't even have the money for school bus[for band to use to travel to other school] so if we are going to some nearby school we'll have to bring our own instrument and take public bus there. i feel really angry/irritated/annoy now. my mum is acting like she know everything and all. so what if my cousin is in the top band in Singapore, the band that play before my, i really hate people who compare me with others. hope that my uncle won't know that i'm in band if not he will start comparing and all, i just feel like boxing his face, he can land in north pole and freeze to death. P.S: anyone know what " Gokusen" means? isit students? or graduation?
posted onThursday, March 19, 2009 by Huimin
sick today and give band a skip. heard that we'll be playing "Road of Gokusen" for P.O.P. if not wrong is a Japanese Drama[Yankumi] theme song sounded not bad, P.O.P.........need to prepare gift for seniors le!
posted by Huimin
Eunice opened a blogshop! she make beautiful jewellery!Do take a look: Lit make-up lesson was okay, only half or less than half of the class turn up. mostly is due to CCA ba, AC coming le. Lucky band not involve, if not will not super busy! Rush home to paint my school shoes white and got hook on facebook. Meet maria, apple and chleo later and have lunch at MOGU MOGU! Long time never eat there le! Food there is nice, just that i don't suggest you to eat the vegetables or carrots, only recommened to people with strong diesgtive juice.    no, we didn't eat monster sweet or apply lipstick, it is just one of the effect in maria's camera. headed to kino to have a look at the magazines and mangas, funny thing happened there and headed to clarke quay to buy sticky! and just have some fun there! the sun was very sunny and hot and in like 10minutes, i have sun-burn on my ceek.      around 630 i left and meet bandmates to ctach a concert by S.Y.O. so, lit teacher was there too, my from and last year chinese teachers were there too, than belina tan started telling me a buch of how music is related to lit and all. 
posted onThursday, March 12, 2009 by Huimin
band was okay today, but i always wonder why we sound lousy on monday but not that bad on thrusday. SYf is just 21days away with 10pratice left, need to improve more and start memorise the score. i just don't know what to post today, i was overly quiet, thinking about stuff. i really wonder if i should take up the is not easy, but than again, i can gain something from it. i can feel the weight on me. i just feel emo today. random stuff just ran through my mind. why must i always be the one trying to get everything back as it is. i just feel so tried with all the thing happening around me now. life is never fair. i want to talk to someone now, i just need some suggestion but i can't say it out, i feel so stress!my family is not helping either, unlucky stuff happened, i need a break from life!
posted onTuesday, March 10, 2009 by Huimin
school was alright today, expect the morning which i was nearly bang down by a car. it was just a arm lenght away from me. the stupid driver anyhow put the dirction thing nat is in a big trouble now. her yaoi manga[her senior lend her de] was confiscated by the teacher, and she flip through the book[if not wrong there is some *cough cough* part] and to make thing worst, mrs goh is going to read it.... i don't know why there is a lump on my head[maybe that time know till i lost my memory] my mum was using zam-buk on it and i was screaming while grading my fathers hand.
posted onMonday, March 9, 2009 by Huimin
have band exchange with HIHS today. just nice when mr. tan ask where is the male toilet i was standing infront of him, than in the end must guide them there. but than, our school don't really have male toilet for pubilc, only for staff...... than the cleaner there nagging. and it was also freezing cold. rain while having ss, then was inside band room for some hours, band finish still raining, than bus super cold. i should have bring my jacket!
posted onThursday, March 5, 2009 by Huimin
so, i just relies yesterday night that the lucky draw of the order for SYF is bad.... we are right after Yuhua!!!!! The top band in singapore.... mr. yea told us they are not normal human, when they play you can feel the wind. Today band was really boarding, with mr. yea busy with the sec1, we have sectionals again. This year have 4sec1, but need to becareful, was told that they are not really.....i don't know how to say. We finally get back our English common test paper, like after so long, i wonder why the teacher keep with them for so long. i manage to pass this time, thanks to the topic! my sis finally got a ladtop! yay! finally the computer, all to myself!!!!!!! The best thing is, when she go to army[Yes, my sister IS going to ARMY]i can have the ladtop!
posted onWednesday, March 4, 2009 by Huimin
found out the SYF date today... it will be on the 5 th day of SYF. and also, that day, we'll be having our sec3Mission Day, don't know weather is good or bad, since that means i won't have to miss 4lesson of Pure Lit[miss le sure die de]. One step at a time.............. with Germaine help, i manage to clean more parts of overture 1 . must really thank her. with Shaina not coming for sometime, atikah not able to play that well, leaving me kind of as the only3rd clarinet player for SYF. i really need to train real hard on my parts.