posted onThursday, April 30, 2009 by Huimin
I love the memories we created today. Evey moment we were together, laughing, crying, hugging, teasing, running, dance, walking, talking. shouting, singing, jumping. My eyes are like closing now, it feel heavy. AE night finished quite late, reached home around 11pm plus. Leaved class at 10.30 and prepared for AE Night. brought percussion instrument up to the truck[i think some of the center stage people are damn annoying, there wanted to have fun withe the truck and "helped" us. thanks for being kind, and making our instrument drop, hope you have fun] Had a final rehearsal before preparing for the Afternoon show. Just as we thought, afternoon show was not nice at all. Took some hours of break before the evening show start, it was so much better! The atmosphere was so different! There was this woman, sitting right infront of us[the band were performing on a floor stage] who keep taking picture of us![we were the only group there while waiting for the aduience to flood in and the door to close] The flash was like killing us! she take picture like every 10sec! We got so annoyed[the flash made our eyes more tried than we already were] that Elysia went to tell the MC to remind the aduience that NO PHOTOGRAPHY FLAH(?) is allowed during the performance. Than when the performance started, some idiot who don't understand english still take photo WITH FLASH! somehow i think they sense our irritation they stopped. i think we did a great job! we brought the atmosphere up when we played tequila! cause before us were the centerstage, sorry, but i don't understand what is the story you were acting, even watching it so many times. I forgot one dance step! the part were we kick our leg! than maria, natalie, apple[they went to watch! thanks for the surport!] told me they saw me not doing that part. anyway, we didn't have time to perfect the steps, think of it on monday, rehearsal a few time and wednesday only awhile to rehearsal and its AE Night!  I'll miss the seniors, without you guys, the band won't be where we are now. All of you are such great leaders, seniors, friends. I'll never forget this batch, with wonder senior around, and strong bonds that we held. The band room would be SOSOSO Different without you guys, lack of laughter, lack of warmness, lack of love, lack of care, lack of everything. I can't say Clare in a high pitch voice anymore. I can't play the "staring at Clare game" and "Pretending to talk about Clare game" with Dai Ling anymore. I can't heard Min Qin talking about Mr. Tan. I can't sing the "ChickenFishcakeRice" song with Min Qin and Samantha anymore. I can't see Min Qin day dream about 'mao mao tan' anymore. I can't see Samantha's face going red after Mr. Tan parise her. I can't see Samantha's face going red when we laugh. I can't teas Elysia about GORDON anymore. I can't give Elysia werid startes anymore. I can't heard Maria and Gaayathri shouting each other name across the band room anymore. I can't be happy over the fact that i can finally different shape Stephanie and Sabrina anymore. I can't heard them ask me wreid question again.   I'll miss Yvonne! You'r a wonderful Section Leader! Hop you like your gift! All the best for 'O' Level! CLARINET SECTION WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU! I can't wait for bus with Yvonne anymore. I can't see Yvonne and Tessa do the Ribena dance anymore. I can't heard the word YOANNE in the Clarinet Section anymore. I can't do the "point gun at Yvonne" thing with Clarinetist anymore. I can't 'sandwhich hug' Yvonne with Dai Ling anymore. i don't want next year to come! where siew kim's batch leave.... i'm sure i'll cry like a broken watertap. the band would never be the same again.... why can't everything remain the same? i guess, it is because, everyone have to move foward.
posted onTuesday, April 28, 2009 by Huimin
i couldn't sleep well yesterday... we were telling ghost story in school that afternoon and somehow i felt the floating skull will suddenly appeared. I suddenly feel like cutting my hair as short as belle, maybe my head will be much lighter and my life would be easier. But don't worry, i would never cut my hair, NEVER, just wait till mid or end of next month and it'll reach my butt. Keep it for so long le :D though it is annoying something, walk till halfway friends will pull my ponytail as if i'm a dog.... Band might be going to somewhere in Malaysia this November/December. To do something meaningful, a charity concert, to help one of the poor band there. BUT, we must pay the trip there ourselves, the school is NOT GOING TO GIVE A SINGLE CENT. and i'll cost around $200-$300. Told my mum about it and she said i must save the money MYSELF..... Not eat for 3months in school? maybe i can save $300 by then. 
posted onMonday, April 27, 2009 by Huimin
BAND today was hell fun! Please buy the ticket for AE Night, i'm sure you'll enjoy it! we were thinking of dance steps for AE night :D and lots of funny ideas pop up! can't wait for AE night, going to have hell lots of fun that day! somehow, i can't stop myself from thinking about it.... the loneliness.....
posted onFriday, April 24, 2009 by Huimin
A.E. rehearsal yesterday...... lets just try to forget about the bad thing that happened, forgive and forget. Started to set instrument and bring percussion instrument up the truck, i think the truck is damn cool! the behind part can move up and down. headed off to NAFA in a sucky bus, there is no air-corn.... reached NAFA and started unloading the percussion instrument onto the ground level stage. Snack was hot dog bun! with not cold Milo :( dinner was lasi lemak. during the full run rehearsal was more fun, while waiting we were taking photos and video. somehow i can't wait for AE night but at the same time wish it will not come so fast. AE Night would mean that the seniors are leaving us :( helped load the percussion instruments up the truck again and reached school around 8pm, reaching 9pm. 2.4km Tomorrow!!!!
posted onTuesday, April 21, 2009 by Huimin
okay, 1 last post before i stop using com. i'll post after AE Night too :D Class today was awesome! Tuesday is a relaxing day :D during CD we had to clean the whole canteen cause our class table was dirty..... had to go off half way during History :( POP, nothing much to talk about, but After-POP-Celebration WAS GREAT!!!!! we ordered food in and have celebrating! was forming a "dinning/meeting table" on the floor outside band room, enjoying the food. I'll really miss the seniors! though they will be coming back tomorrow, need to practice for stupid AE Night. Stayed till quite late and i LOVE the KINDER JOY YVOONE gave!
posted onMonday, April 20, 2009 by Huimin
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA! CATS the musical yesterday with Maria and Charmaine. yesterday meet Char to buy small cake for maria! celebrating her birthday in advance. And our dear maria, was later for 30minutes! took train to town and went kino to get magazine. Stupid Kino cheat my feeling! i was looking SO forward for today to get the 'Wink Up' magazine but it was OUT OF STOCK!!!!!!!!!! so my heart went heavy like stone, spoiled my mood! Maria bought ' myojo' and there is 2pin up poster of Hey! Say! JUMP inside! "we are friends right?" hahah, quote from Lit text! When to Soul Garden for Dinner! The food there is SHIOCK! Was late for the musical JUST BECAUSE we went to the washroom. JUST BECAUSE OF THAT. CATS was really very nice, the actor/actress/dance/singer were all very tall, hot and cool! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ on a side note, I'll be MAI- ing for some weeks! need to study for exams le! so if you see me online ANYWHERE, free feel to scold me. AND on a serious note! i really hate the school! POP is like tomorrow! sorry i don't think i have the money to buy gift for senior :( i'm really broke now. i need to find a work soon, like soon, during June holidays! anyway, the school really SUCK! AE Night, not only did they not let us take break from CCA, they are making us preform the week before mid-year! and for the rehearsal day, we'll only be back in school at 9PM. And they always say"your studies come first""go for remedial before CCA" ALL IS BULLSHIT! isn't it ironic?
posted onSaturday, April 18, 2009 by Huimin
Oral is over and done with, i'm not going to be worry about it. i know i'll fail, FOR SURE! i went home and sleep again after oral, it was around 9+going 10 and my other family members are still sleeping. then i kena wake up by some slaps on me and shouting..... my mum and sis thought i overslept and didn't went for oral[i was in my blouse] hahah, can't wait for tomorrow!
posted onFriday, April 17, 2009 by Huimin
arg......Chinese Oral tomorrow! I hate oral!!! And it take up 50% of SA! Ran 10 Rounds for PE today, and that is only 2.oKm!2.4Km is like 16 rounds! I swear my legs will break after that! And it is next Saturday! 4lesson of Pure Lit today, with weirdness again, we manage to complete a story within 6lessons, quite fast :D i skip band today again, not because i want to, because i need to, some family matters. i can't wait for this Sunday! Date with Maria and Charmaine, but we haven't found a place to eat yet :( i can't wait to get 'Wink Up' OMG OMG OMG, AHAHHAHA, GETTING HIGH LE! WOOTS~ and end off the night with CATS the musical. i remember i still have 2 more musical next month, this explain why my pocket is empty.
posted onThursday, April 16, 2009 by Huimin
School was alright today, having Lit first time in the morning is the best. Refresh my mind with Belina's weirdness. Today is my Mum bday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM[i know you would never ever see this but still...] so i manage to finish all my homework in school and try to get home ASAP. me and my sis had prepared the presents and gift already. i had been using excuse like, i have to pass my friend homework to her cause she never come and i need to bring project thing, to get out of the house and buy stuff. I swear this year present is the most thoughtful one, i have to stay up late for 2days to finish it. After yesterday PFT, my back hurt alot now and somewhere near my back of my arm. maybe due to sit&reach, stretch too much le! I hate this school freaking much, 30 th April is AE night and 4 th May is the start on mid-year. Freaking school is using us like workers to earn money for them while we don't get anything in return[maybe 1 CCA points] but still! They always said that our study come first and now what?! making us go home at 10.30PM on thursday and expect us to go school the very next day, how smart can they get! Stupid indoor sportshall!
posted onWednesday, April 15, 2009 by Huimin
  Okay, my fail attempt to draw daiki :( i can't draw eyes, it always destroy everything. And today is his birthday! school kind of suck today, especially English, Again. PFT after school today, i finally pass Pull-up! don't need go for re-test! Just left 2.4 next Saturday. And THANKS to NATASHA, she 'gave' me a new flats. cause my school shoes is those type of $5 ballet shoes, she stepped on the back of my shoes while i was walking front and the strap break. And worst, the thing was just starting and my shoes spoiled, have really hard time running. I swear that SOME teacher in the school are damn unfair, they always say that the NA are always the one making noise and 'we' were the one wasting the EXPRESS classes time, and we don't listen to instruction[we have to run but some girls some express hide and the teacher said they were from NA] It is always like that! So what if the NA is not as smart ad the Express class, it doesn't give you any right to push their fault to us! After PFT i was the last to go home.... have to stay back to help those who didn't come write reason..... Thanks for pushing the job to me, Thanks for making me climb up and down with my spoil shoes, Thanks for nothing.
posted onTuesday, April 14, 2009 by Huimin
wasn't feeling so well today. but school was alright. tuesday is quiet a slacking day. Sorry that i pon P.O.P rehearsal today, went to ikea with sis after school to get mum's bday present. Photo of us screaming when we heard our SYF result.  Look at the judges :P all covering their ears. "Hwa chong was all staring at us like they never see girls scream before" Monday band partice was quiet slack, everyone was slacking and Mr. Tan didn't come.
posted onMonday, April 13, 2009 by Huimin
was tagged by Killy [i think i did this before] 1. Beside your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kiss?No where 2.How do you feel when you wake up this morning?5more minutes! 3. Who was the last person you took picture with?Maria 4. Would you consider to be spoilt?don't think so 5. Would you ever donate blood?If my blood is accpetable, why not? 6. Do you have a good friend of the opposite sex?Nope, i think 1hand of my can count the amount of boy-friend i have. 7. Do you want someone dead?YES 8. Whats does your last message says?-"Vote 4 joeline c4" don't get this message, some singing competition? 9. What are you thinking right now?How tomorrow will be. 10. Did you wish someone was with you right now?ARIOKA DAIKI and CHINEN YURI 11. What time did you go to sleep last night?can't remember, near 12am 12. Where did you bought your t-shirt that you're wearing now?Carrefour[i'm wearing FBT AGAIN] 13. Is someone on your mind right now?ARIOKA AND CHINEN 14. Who were the last 3 people who text you?-Huimin, Sis and Maria 15. Tag 10 people to do this quiz.1. Killy 2. Strife 3. Kirara 4. Maria 5. Kami Jiji (Eriol) 6. Natasha 7. Shirlene 8. Felicia 9. Atikah 10. Anabelle 16. Who is number 2 having relationship with?Cloud! 17. Is 3 a female/male?-Female 18. If 7 and 10 get together , will that be a good thing?Bust into laughter! 19. What is number 1 studying about?One of the sec school in Singapore 20. Is number 4 single?Attached to MEAT 21. Say something about number 5.-Eriol A.K.A Kami Jiji 22. What do you think of number 4 & 6 together?-OMG *LAUGH LIKE MAD* 23. Describe number 9.-PINK APPLE 24. What will you do if 6 & 7 fight?-HAPPY! I can have my husband to myself! *choug and have all 'his' will choug* 25. Do you like number 8?-Yes, as a friend :D
posted by Huimin
Dead tried school was quiet fun today, SS teacher never come again, he seems to like to 'pon' work on monday. Was spending that 1hour with maria and charmaince [idk how to spell her name!] planning on the Sunday. CATS the musical! can't wait! and this Few week WILL BE a busy week. Monday=Band Tuesday=Out for mum's present Wednesday=5Battries Test Thursday=Band? Friday=Band? Saturday=Chinese Oral Sunday=CATS the musical Monday=Band Tuesday=P.O.P Wednesday=Band Thursday=Band Saturday=2.4! *die* blah blah blah[mostly on band to prepare for AE Night]
posted onFriday, April 10, 2009 by Huimin
1. Do you sleep in your bra? Yes 2. Do you enjoy drama? Yes 3. Are you a girly girl? Not really :P 4. Last person you hugged? Natasha? or isit Maria? 5. Small or big purses? Small 6. Where is the weirdest place you have slept? Everyplace i slept is normal, i guess. 7. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt? Yes.... 8. Last person who walked you somewhere? No one? 9. Do you call anybody by their last name? Yes 10. Do you wear makeup? Rarely 11. Have you ever cried at a movie theater? Nope 12. Do you think Ryan Sheckler is cute? Ryan sheckler? who is that? 13. Have you ever been called a bad influence? Guess not 14. Louis vuitton or dooney? Eh? 15. Skirts or pants? Depends 16. Hoodies or jackets? Hoodies17. Heels or sneakers? Sneakers, heels are so hard to walk in and they make lots of noise! 18. Straight or curly hair? Straight! RANDOM:1. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys? Depends 2. Are you currently frustrated with a guy? Nope, i don't know much guys anyway 3 Do you have a best friend? Honestly No 4. Do you like your life? Guess so 5. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on? Nope 6.Would you ever tell someone you loved them even though you didn't? No 7. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Once upon a time 8. Who do you think of when you are lonely? Friends, Family, Computer, Bed 9. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind? yes. *sad* 10. Have you ever had a good feeling about something? Yes 11. Are you currently missing someone? Nope IN A BOY:1. Preppy or Punk/Goth? Preppy, i guess 12. Contacts or Glasses?Both 13. Funny or Serious? Funny 14. Long Hair or Short Hair? Short 15. Curly Hair or Straight Hair? Straight 16.Basketball Player or Football Player? Basketball 17. Smoker or Non-smoker? Non-smoker Facts 1. Name: Miniii2. Astrological sign: Sagittarius 3. Birth day: 201294 4 home: HDB flat 5. Fave movie: Koi zora6. Fave book: Damage 7. Fave candy: LOTS 8. Fave magazine: Anything with Hey! Say! JUMP inside! and teenage 9. Newest friend: Haven't met anyone new yet 11. Role model: My sis 12.Kindergarten teacher: Still working 13. My first kiss happened (or should happen) at: Dose kissing my 3years old cousin[boy] on the lip count? 14. I spend most of my time at: Home 15. My favorite place to unwind air is at: ...... 16. I'd hate to live in: Dirty, Hot and no Internet17. Morning or night: Evening 18. Cats or dogs: Fish, easy to keep 19. Computer or cell phone: Computer 20. coke or green tea: VITASOY21. Vegetables or fruits: fruits 22. If I could move anywhere, it would be: Japan! 23. If I were an animal, I would be: Eagle24. If I had one superpower, it would be: Power to control elements 25. If I had a million dollars to spend, I would: Save it! 26. My first word was: .... 27. I used to watch, on continual repeat: Ouran High School Host Club, Hey! Say! JUMP PV making video 28. I can’t believe I worried so much about: the stupid stalker 29. I was so afraid of: something? 30. When I grow up, I want to be a: Wedding Planner 31. Before I die, I hope to: Archive what i want 32. I'll be friends with: Anyone, Everyone 33. I'll live: The Small Red Dot 34. I'll make a difference by: Being myself
posted onThursday, April 9, 2009 by Huimin
I FINALLY FINISH LIT! after spending 3hours on Text B and 2hours on Text C ! i'm finally done! was really stress out when i first began, i was so stress/irritated i couldn't think, in the end i when on youtube and listen to some relaxing song. The first textB was really very hard! after spending like 2hours plus thinking about the text with Maria, we found out that we were wrong! and had to rewrite everything. text C was easier, way easier. THANKS LOTS TO MARIA! two minds are better than one! somehow i relies something. On this 1 week break from CCA, homeworks, essay, test, etc. just keep flowing in.
posted by Huimin
I need help on Lit! we were given 2 300 words Essay to do!!!! and we must e-mail it to Belina Tan before 2A.M today! school was alright today, the heart was killing. Lit in the morning was quiet fun(?), lol, lit always refresh my mind. Ms Goh forgot about us? we never have math lesson today, just sit outside the classroom and play for 1whole period.
posted onWednesday, April 8, 2009 by Huimin
haven't been posting for awhile already, we were guven 1week without CCA! award for getting SILVER! so, i spend my time with homeworks and study and most of the time, using computer!Finally receive CATS the Musical ticket! time to get new clothes! and can't wait to receive the Final Fantasy ticket! Stay back after school today for extra Lit lesson and belina tan was as usual wreid, she suddenly tell the whole class about band and stuff. And threathen us to do our homework. ......*run off to do homework!*
posted onSaturday, April 4, 2009 by Huimin
i want to build a time machine, anyone want join me? 030409, 12:25pm, the best moment of my life. SYF is over, SILVER, i wish that time can rewind, back to tomorrow, where everyone aimed from the same goal, SILVER, and we did it! As a band, One band, One sound. and in a few weeks time, the sec4s are going to step down. No more Clare and Elysia, our 2 wonderful leaders. Thanks for giving us the MARS Bar to boots our energy level before we went into the tuning room. Thanks for using your own pocket money and buy for us Vitamin C. Thanks for the countless encouragement. Thanks for the countless time you scold us, letting us think and reflect on what we want. No more Yvonne, our wonderful Clarinet Section leader. Everything won't remain the same.................... I'll Miss Everyone! and 2years down the road, it would be worst, with all the current sec3s graduating, leaving me, Feli and Kim with the current sec2s and new sec1. i wonder how band would be like, will it still be the same? can we archive Silver again? Everything will change, no matter how hard you wish it won't, this is how life is like........ 
posted onFriday, April 3, 2009 by Huimin
"Band Number 81, CHIJ St Joseph's Convent............SILVER!"3rd April, 2009. 12.25pm. I'll never forget this moment.
Our hard work pay off! WE DID IT! WE ACHIEVED WHAT WE WANT! SILVER! the best feeling i had ever felt in my whole life! Many of us cried, tears of joy, we were so happy that we scream and scream and scream and scream the moment they said SILVER! i don' care if some idiot say silver is not good enough or whatsoever shit. cause like what ms ng said, "if you enjoy it, you are a winner"I did not felt nervous at all on the stage, i was so excited the night before that i couldn't sleep the bight before! we were screaming in the hall, out the hall, on the bus and in the school, we did ourselves proud. It was worth it, all the scolding we got. from the incident we had with blue ridge saga, with starting anew with Light Of Dawn, perfecting the clarinet solo and slowly, falling in love with it. And the time when we received our set piece, jaw dropping upon seeing it, and also, fallen in love with it. Scolding we got from BM and DM, and causing mr. tan to nearly not wanting to conduct us. I was so happy today, i feel like hugging everyone including mr. tan.  Clarinet Section! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Woke up at 5am today and took cab to school, even before 6, lots of people were in school already, even Mr. Tan. Did warm up and all and set off at 7+ DM and BM gave us Mars Bar! to boots our energy level! went up the stage, gave our best and waited for results! the feeling was so magical! For many sec3, this is their first and last, and sec4 the feeling our getting a silver from a bronze, it must be a very very memorable moment. we got back to school and was screaming while walking to band room, as this time, we go back PROUD and HAPPY. Went to Pizza Hut for celebrating! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THANK YOU:Mr. Tan & Mr. Yea, for guiding us along this tough long way. If not for you guys, we won't be able to archive what we want Teachers-in-charge, for encouraging us DM &BM, You guys are the best! You guys lead us to where we are now, buying vitamin C for us, giving us MARS BAR and asked for nothing back. EVERYONE IN THE BAND, We did it! we stay together and this is what we get! SILVER! our dream came true! we make our senior proud, make ourselves proud! and those who told me to do my best and wish my good luck, get me one last hug before i board the bus SYF and those who Pray for the band, we prayed quiet alot, I'm really touched, i nearly cried a fews times today. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ on a side note, Mr. Noami was one of the judge! he is a conductor from Japan! he visited us 2years back, when the sec3were sec1. i still remember having the word " DISCIPLINE" on the whiteboard and us sitting up straight, half the chair for many hours just because of him.
posted onThursday, April 2, 2009 by Huimin
TOMORROW IS SYF*look left and right* okay, i shouldn't be using the computer now, mr. tan, mr. yea, elysia, clare were all saying that we shouldn't go on net today to check the result today, just bath, eat, sleep and wake up with full energy tomorrow. so, i'm not going to bandfusin to check the result, must stop, it dosen't do us good!Mission Day today, was really fun! have hell fun screaming, shouting and plain laughing!there was 2team, totile roll and the other, which i were in, FishBalls1st, we have guess the song name2nd, we had to give what they there was this round that they said they want 4girls from each with hair that go beyond the shoulder, i went up with amber, chlesea and deirdre , but the other team got the 4people at the same thing, so in the end must do cat-walk....+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++band after that, i found today band meaningful, the conductors was very encouraging, somehow, since yesterday, i don't think i feel scared or nervous, the feeling i have was more like excitement, i somehow can't wait for tomorrow. after going through so much, from the time we have to bear the pain to change our choice piece until now we have accpected and love our choice piece. we have come so far, so why not give it the best shot tomorrow! i'll TRY to forget all about the looking down and stuff tomorrow and Will enjoy what we will be presenting tomorrow.somehow, i feel that something big is going to happen, good or bad? i don't know? all i know is to give it my all tomorrow, open my ears big and listen to one another.many words of encouragement was given from the teacher in-charge, it was really touching, i swear i feel like crying. SYF is something that only happen once ever 2years, somehow it seens to be more important than PSLE, 'O'level and 'N'level, the power or teamwork? in my point of view, many of us, seens to get closer due to SYF"The star can only be seen when it is at the darkest point in time."
Ms Adeline Ng said, "At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you come back with. As long as you had fun, you have won. So ask yourself, did you enjoy yourself? If you did, then, you are a winner."
Mr Rama said, "Music, and studies are alike. 75 marks, and you have A1, but 74 marks and you have A2. It's just a one mark difference but it changes the whole overall grade. Just like that, for music, if everyone co-operates, works together, does everything well, we might have a few mistakes here and there, but don't think just because it's a minor mistake it doesn't matter, because it does. This world is very funny, people don't bother praising others, everyone just looks out for the faults of a person and harps on it. So try to make the least mistakes possible and go out there and have fun. You can do this, because I know you all can."
Mr Mark Chan,
"I was from a lousy school "_____". But we always dreamed big. Look where we are now. We always compared ourselves to Raffles. Our rugby was not too good, but now it is one of the best. We always said we'd be top, we'd be top. And we would always get top. Learn how to aim high. Whatever the results, I am proud of you and I know that you have tried your best." Lets Do This As A Band Its not about the result, it's about the process. just like what Ms Ng said, "if you enjoy it, you are a winner"
posted onWednesday, April 1, 2009 by Huimin
2Days away from SYF!!!! and it is Apirl Fool's Day today! i manage to trick natasha! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ me: omg, omg, i read this sasunaru fanfic yesterday, and it is so nice! nat: REALLY?! EH! EH! EH! me: hahaha, Happy April Fool's Day! nat: eh! what..? me: do you think i will really read yaoi thing..... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lol, her reaction was very funny. the band also trick the BM and DM. 1st=when we were suppose to play the warm up thin, we went to play our choice song 2 nd=SK their all said they have to leave at 4pm because of remedial3rd=Tracy said that she won't be able to go for SYF this friday because of family problem i can feel the excitement of SYF, it is just like 2days away, and tomorrow P&VP will be listening to the band. Really must do our best! they said that the dance and center stage might be able to get gold, but i don't believe in them, i don't think they know anything about dance or center stage. Day3:GWH=3 Gold=1 Silver=11 Bronze=4 C.O.P=1 take from tessa's LJ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CLARE YONG (Band Major): Okay band. Get ready for warm ups. Symphonic band clinic. BAND: Um, is it exercise one, Tone? CLARE: Uh yeah, is this your first time doing warmups??? BAND: Erm, Symphonic band clinic right. CLARE: Yes??? *raises eyebrows*BAND: Oh, okay.... CLARE: Okay, instruments up!!! CLARE: One...two... three......four.... BAND: *starts playing The Light of Dawn, our SYF choice piece* CLARE: WHAT??? STOP STOP STOP!!! *bangs stick on stand* Hahah shes so cute x1000000 SEC3s in band: Um, Elysia we have to leave at 4pm, we have something on. ELYSIA (Drum Major): Yes, okay. Noted. LATER ON, ELYSIA: Okay, who is leaving at 4pm, please raise up your hands. *nobody raises hands*ELYSIA: OMG. Was that a joke. *glares at Siew Kim* SIEW KIM: *blush* ELYSIA: Okay. Tracy you cant take part in SYF cos of your grandfather in hospital right? BAND: *silence* ELYSIA: Right?SIEW KIM: Um. Actually... ELYSIA: Oh shit. Damn! *hides face behind hands* ELYSIA: *looks at band whiteboard* Xin Rong - Not coming, has high fever.ELYSIA: Then that Xin Rong thing... is it... real? BAND: YESYES dont worry omg!! HAHAHAAAAA I put fake shit outside the Home Econs home room. It's damn bloody realistic I have scared myself on many occasions as well although I know it is fake HAHA. TESSA: Omg... Hui Min did you see that omg. Come and look at this. HUIMIN: Omg. What is THAT. TESSA: Eh, Dai Ling, come. I need to show you something!! DAI LING: *goes closer* Omg,thats the thing I was talking about!! The disgusting home econs chicken thing the Sec2s made that looked like shit!!! TESSA: Um it looks like shit!! *picks it up* DAI LING: NO DONT TOUCH IT OH MY GOODNESS! TESSA: *throws at Dai Ling*DAI LING: OMG! Haha. TESSA: *puts the fake shit on clare, who is carrying her file close to her chest* CLARE: What is --------- AYYYYYIIIIIEIEIEEEEE OMGGGG WHAT IS THAT * screams like mad and throws shit on ground* TESSA: *picks up shit and goes to Elysia to throw it on her lap* ELYSIA: Oh! What is this.... OH MY GOD!!!! * jumps up from her seat and screams like mad as well* ========================================