posted onSunday, May 31, 2009 by Huimin
Did nothing today. Once i woke up, watch Hana Yori Dango 2 till Ep.6. And than use Computer to watch Atashinchi no Danshi! Really love this drama!!!! KOJI, MAKI and YUSUKE is inside!!!  KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI. KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.KOJI.     YUSUKE!  MAKI!  KOJI IN MAID UNIFROM! *die of cuteness* 
posted onFriday, May 29, 2009 by Huimin
PTM just now, quiet normal. Mrs Goh was like telling my mum i never do the 10years series and all, don't really care. Nothing much happened, talk for awhile only. Cause i'm a good girl!
Before i went for PTM i saw her, she is the last person i would want to talk to now. It has been 3 years and she want us to go out during the June Holidays, don't even know how YB look like now. Yes, I Am Running Away, i just want to forget about this friendship and yet she is bringing up again. Why did i chose to go to there at that time, if i stayed with my mum, i won't meet her and i can escape that topic Again. 3years has pass, we have not see/talk to each other for 3whole year, I'm sure she have changed, cause i had, everyone changed, 3years can do alot to one. Can't she see that we have grow apart? We are not as close as we used to, in fact, there is a big big gap between us anyone could tell.
posted onThursday, May 28, 2009 by Huimin
Last day of school today! Tomorrow is just PTM :D Mass in the morning, i can't remember what i was doing but i didn't feel bored. They were suppose to show us a video, but there was technical problems Again. So Sister started making us sing childhood song. Have Spring Again, lucky i only need clean Windows. CCA investiture after recess, that was boarding. Some teachers are Leaving this School! :( :) Super happy! GOOD BYE! Since we are only worth CheeseBalls to you. Mr Sim: All monitors and councillor come here. Everyone have to sign this banner which will be hang in Indian. Once you sign it, you swear that you will not SMOKE FOR LIVE, if not you'll be curse and marry to a Old man with No Hair.Everyone: What?
posted onWednesday, May 27, 2009 by Huimin
Gave school a skip today, there is nothing to do in school other than sitting in class while doing Charmaine's crossword puzzle. Skipping school today was a good idea, managed to solve my sleeping problem, slept till 1.30pm. But i don't feel well today too, if go school sure suffer there de. Suppose to shop for clothes today but plan failed, stayed at home all day... Tomorrow is like the last day of school, since we having Founder Mass and CCA leaders investiture.was there band today? I'm Positive that I'm not the next Section Leader! T and DL good luck, one of you will be the next :D Anyway, the 1st partice for Band during June holiday, i might/will not be going. My mum want me to skip on that day, say some relative bringing us go somewhere? I don't feel like going Ruhe this Friday.... I don't feel like going Leadership workshop.... I don't feel like going to school tomorrow.... Things to do during June Holidays:-Hair cut! I don't remember my last hair cut, but i remember i didn't have any this year yet.... -Replay Final Fantasy 9 -Replay Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core -Try not to spend too much money! Holidays are hard period to save money :( -Don't be a pig! Must stop eating! -Try not to skip band, not planning to do that anyway. -Finish watching Hana Yori Dango, Jap. Version, Season 2 To be continue.....
posted onTuesday, May 26, 2009 by Huimin
Photo taking today! Took 3set of photos in total: Class, Monitor and Band. It is already half of the year, time past so fast. Very happy with this year phototaking! it feels good to be tall :D Class photo: Standing on TABLEMonitor photo: Standing on floorBand photo: Standing on the 5th row!We went for free"French lesson" with Sister after recess. Went to Chapel to practice song for this Thursday founder mass . Than there is one song we had to sing in French. us: kuu-rach(courage)Emily: huh? push up bra?
posted onMonday, May 25, 2009 by Huimin
i think I'm having sleeping disorder. I felt tried but i couldn't get myself to sleep, which make me tried the next day.... Today was one of those days. Eyes felt like closing during school and band. Lucky managed to sleep during some lesson. Band was quiet small today, played new song "Our Director March" sound nice but we play till.... Holiday training will be slack this year, very slack. Oversea trip this End of Year for Band? Might not go, have a hard time saving money. I could not eat what i want, could not buy what i want, have to think twice before using my money.
posted onSunday, May 24, 2009 by Huimin
Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY!
One wordIMPRESSIVEListening to in Live is surely so much more impressive.
Meet Alina, Shirlene, Sarah and Natasha At City Hall MRT and went for dinner. Walk over to coscon since Natasha wanted to go, only stay for awhile and there is not much to see anywa. But manage to see a few Sgcafe friends there :D Walk/Rush over to Esplanade, cause Sarah and Me too excited le! Cannot take it~!!!!The whole concert is just PLAIN AWESOME! The songs were Beautiful! LOVE it! Encore was 'One winged angel!' LOVE IT, it is from one of my favorite FF serise too!!! Personally perfer the 1st half of the concert mainly because I am more familiar with it, most of the serise BGM i play is there~!! Love 'Bombing Mission'!'Medley 2002'! 'Vamo' alla Flamenco'! 'Swing de Chocobo'!In the end I didn't manage to get the CD :( OUT OF STOCK! DAMN IT :( AND I was in line waiting to get an autograph of Nobuo Uematsu and Arnie Roth, But they left!!!
posted onFriday, May 22, 2009 by Huimin
school today, felt extremely tried, reason because i slept late last night to study 'The Move' BT said she will go through today but never! First thing in the morning, got a half an hour long leature. Stupid Maria didn't come today, she said she will pass me my ruhe(?) ticket today! 1 More Musical this month! can't wait of it too! History musical! Tomorrow Distant Worlds! can't wait!!!!! I'm back to Maple :D finally able to play my acc! going to chiong chiong chiong! and Hana yori dango Japanese and Korean version!
posted onThursday, May 21, 2009 by Huimin
Got back all our papers today. i failed 2 subjects, Maths and Combine Humans. Math is totally expected! But combine humans! I did well for History! Stupid Social Studies Pull me down! Received the Final Fantasy Ticket today!!!!!! Damn happy! Can't wait for this Saturday!!! Band...T and DL did not went, well... they were already saying about skipping band today. Really felt like crying when i read their post... Seriously, what is with all this now?! THEY ARE NEEDED! The Clarinet Section NEED them! i don't know how long will this last... well, can't really blame them... Everyone is changing.Am I the one changing? Or are we both changing? We are not as close as we used to, i really hate this... i don't find school enjoyable anymore, everyone is changing.
posted onWednesday, May 20, 2009 by Huimin
went back to school today! just checking of papers and such. Quite happy with my English and Chinese marks. Chemistry was awesome! Physic and Social Studies....i just accepted what i got. Mr. VK accidentally gave out the History paper instead of the Social Studies paper! Happy with my History marks too! More paper checking tomorrow..... can't wait for this Saturday! *warning, wall of text*Band after school, know about new leaders..... it is well, quite shocking? someone unexpected became. I really really felt that it was really very very Unfair to Tessa and Dai Ling, Everyone and i mean ALMOST EVERYONE, expected one of them to be the next BM. And than she just became the leader!?!? I mean, Tessa and Dai Ling did so much and what's this?!?! Letting them do all the jobs, getting embarrassed in front of the whole band, AND ALL THE SHIT! AND someone who never did ANYTHING became the next one?! This doesn't make sense, i really don't know what is going through the conductor's head! She didn't even fall out the Band ONCE! or make any order!? Is not that i Hate her, Really, it just that.... It really is Unfair after all, Tessa and Dai Ling was the one who did all the jobs! I'm happy for her, but there is just this unexplainable(?) feeling? They used Tessa and Dai ling and they only know about this afternoon. And what is worst! There is no Interview this year! At least last year, we some how hold right to chose our Leaders! AND this year they just decided without all the interview shit?! After we know our leader, there was this VERY VERY AWAKRAD silent, before someone managed to clap, No One Expected this. This is Not a feeling of Hate, or Anger, or Jealousy, or Overreacting, it just... Shockness? or more like, getting cheated. Well, i guess I will get use to this, it's just a matter of time? *warning, wall of text*
posted onThursday, May 14, 2009 by Huimin
! Exam is OVER !Morning rain was very very heavy. Even if you don't share umberall with anyone, you still get wet... My shoes and socks were wet, and it smelled after that. 'lucky today is the last paper.' though i don't know how it is related. Maths was okay? i guess, manage not to kill much brain cells, though i still left blanks... Chemistry was okay too, but there is this section where we chose 1 out of 2 question and i did both without knowing! ahh! should have read the insturtions! only knew of it after the exam, when Yvonne told me! While our papers were being collected, everyone was silently cheering[those who paper finish today]! FINALLY WE ARE FREE! Me: Today i can use the Computer to 3AM le!Grandma: Nono, you now sleep, 3AM wake up than use.
posted onWednesday, May 13, 2009 by Huimin
Literature today is VERY VERY VERY HARD. i think until my head pain!! Seriously pain, i'm prepare to fail le! wrote rubbish! Belina Tan will nag at us for 1 period again...... i'm very tried now, maybe take a nap later..... nearly overslept today. 2 More Papers to go! Tomorrow is the last day of Exams! *Jump Around*
posted onTuesday, May 12, 2009 by Huimin
3 More to go! History and Physics today. History was okay, i guess.... stupid collectivization, i never study for that! Luck that topic is source based. Finally i can get rid of Stalin and all the Russia Stuff! Occupy too much of my Brain! Physics, i totally give up, MCQ was easy, at lest. I finish the paper within 30minutes, i guess. while waiting for the exam to finish, it started raining, than i looked over at Kylie 'hope that she brought umbrella, don't feel like walking under the rain, tomorrow still got paper.'Finally able to let our my fangirl mood! After watching Hey! Say! JUMP concert, few days ago, have been wanting to fangirl over with Maria and Belle! I want the ball they throw and most of all! THEIR AUTOGRAPH! I would fame it in my bed and worship it. Hahahhahah! Literature is like tomorrow, 2hours 15minutes, too long? cause i have a feeling i won't know what to write, my head hurts too much! Ahhhh! Belina Tan is going to Nag at us again! EXAMS FASTER FINISH!!!once it finish.......need go back band! Arhhhh!
posted onSunday, May 10, 2009 by Huimin
Happy Mother's Day!Had celebration at Pizza Hut This year, grandma is with us again :D really, glad to see her happy :D Lucky this year is Dad pay, 100%. Nothing much today....... i can't wait for exams to be over!
posted onFriday, May 8, 2009 by Huimin
Study session at Belle's house today! We didn't really study.... 95%playing, eating, talking, using computer etc. but we did study abit of History at the end. i swear belle's room is damn messy, if i were her, i would go mad and start packing. And i helped her to keep and fold her clothes. me: eh, you not keeping your clothes? belle: [forgot what she said] 5minutes later.... i was folding her clothes anyway, started off with using the computer and watching some videos. Belle's brother is cute but annoying. and i think he like to flirt....he is only 4year old by the way. got punch/kick/cane/box/beat by him a few times. [can't remember why i was near the toilet door] me: omg, is it me or is that a dead lizard?[in between the toilet door and the wall] belle: where? Omg![call for her maid and stuff] when we try to study..... belle: eh, shouldn't we be studying? me and nat: wait wait[engross in naruto shippuden movie 2] kylie:*thinking about blog name* belle: [went back to computer]
posted onThursday, May 7, 2009 by Huimin
4down, 5 to go Social studies was okay, though i never study the chapter that was tested..... Lucky is SEQ. i have a feeling i'll fail... Skipped recess to study Maths, didn't sleep early yesterday because of maths. Thanks to SitiN and SitiQ for teaching me! But still, i lost 18marks cause i left some question blanks. maybe score around 30-40plus over 80, not much hope. But it could had been worst if it wasn't for Namirah belle's house tomorrow to study almost everything that is going to be tested next week.