posted onFriday, July 31, 2009 by Huimin
IT REALLY SUCKS TO BE SICK!!!!! I was forced to drink weird stuff, keep going to washroom and wanting to vomit whatever i eat. My temperature is very high, 38.8. All i do is wake up, eat, take medicine, sleep and the whole cycle keep going on. It sucks more to cry when you're sick, finally finished watching Zettai Kareshi! Ninkyo helper ep 3 is out too! Now watching Nobuta wo Produce.   
posted onThursday, July 30, 2009 by Huimin
Madam Zhang can go eat shit! Keep on asking me to take my temperature again and again just because it is high and she don't believe in have a fever and won't let me go home! Having sore throat, cough and fever, so went home halfway. My head hurts so much that i swear i nearly faint when I was walking to see the doctor! It sucks to be sick :( all the nice food i can eat is gone.....
posted onTuesday, July 28, 2009 by Huimin
Literature today was fun, Felt more awake than usual. Maybe because its the coffee Belle gave me or the Tea we drank. BT really give us tea to drink today, and i think she is planning to make us drink more next week. We have this last minute test, CONFORM FAIL, 20minutes for 4 questions?! I didn't even finish my question2 and time was up!
posted onMonday, July 27, 2009 by Huimin
Somehow, today BT was more dramatic than usually. She asked us a question and when we got the answer, she slam the table, raise her hands in the air "YES"! And i swear, she need to dig her ears! She has hearing problems! Sometime, although you didn't answer the right question(and the answer you give sound very different to the correct one) she will be like "correct! its (insert answer!), well done!" Band today.... I have no idea if it is safe to blog about band anymore, but oh well. Composition next year? with our band standard now, I don't really think we can make it. I don't even think we can get a Silver again for the next SYF. THE BAND IS DYING. And soon, it will be dead.
posted onSunday, July 26, 2009 by Huimin
Time past really fast, 一轮眼,半年已经过. Common Test 3 is also coming in 2weeks time? And so is Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention The first cosplay event i attented. I don't like to wear Spectacles! It make me tried! I go to school, not tried at all, wore my it during lesson and few minutes later i felt tried! End up can't concentrate for the rest of the day! Anyway, Class is going to have new English teacher AGAIN. This time, will be the 4th one... mrs. tan, don't know what happened to her, even though she gave birth like some donkey months ago, she didn't come back to teach us. Just when i though that Anne Lim wasn't that bad and all, we have the change teacher. Oh well..... Kikuchi Fuma~ 
posted onThursday, July 23, 2009 by Huimin
I got my spectacles yesterday and wore it to schoo ltoday, not use to it yet, my nose there is kind of itchy. I really think those sore loser need to get a life. The judging day is over already! What is the use of destroying their work?! And Eunice was saying something about people who will destroy their work in the morning, it happened! Their things were tear off, water was splash and footprints were left behind. Ninkyo Helper ep 2 is out!!!! Yabu is freaking thin! His leg is like so long and thin!!! * Jealous* Too bad he isn't the main character :( 
posted onMonday, July 20, 2009 by Huimin
School today is just plain bordering, just when i finally understand maths and find it interesting, we have to move on to the next chapter, which is totally confusing! Chinese is just AWASTEOFTIME. I don't know if i should laugh or be annoyed at. Literature is plain AWESOME. BT NEVER COME, FOR ONCE, IN THIS WHOLE FREAKING YEAR. The class went Chaos and no one is really listening to the teacher. SS CT4Test after school, I'm Prepare to Failed my SS, i think..... I forgot all about the test today!!!! Today is a weird day, I shouldn't had went to school! My temperature was 37.7, but that mdm zhang make me take like 2 times again, she can eat shit! Band was okay, started late cause the whole sec3 have SS test. I hate days with CCA , cut away my computer time! Anyway, I hope the CommonTest room thing stay like this forever! Cause I can do last minute work in the classroom!
posted onSunday, July 19, 2009 by Huimin
Watched Ninkyo Helper today! Only Ep 1 for now! The main reason i watch this drama is because of YABU!!!!!  He is like a playboy in this drama    Yusuke is inside too!!!
posted onFriday, July 17, 2009 by Huimin
School was quite fun this week. Some how I find Maths Fun and easy now. Chemistry is getting harder and more Confusing, got to see some disturbing photos during History and SS. Physic is just a lesson to slack, but i did my homework! So the other day, Mr. Punk(is this how to spell his name?) came over to our class, at first though. "Are we changing Physic teacher Again?!" I think most of us would prefer to have him teaching than Mr. Tan. In the end, he is just there to investigated, result of chasing away 2physic teacher and pissing the current one? I'm SO prepare to fail my Physic. I need to get a Mechanic pencil soon, the one i bring the school spoil, found one at home and the next day it spoil too! Manage to borrow one from my cousin! CCA starting next week :( And i want to watch ICE AGE3! No one to watch with.....
posted onTuesday, July 14, 2009 by Huimin
Wasted 1 whole period of Literature today, BT make us write out our thoughts of the story but that story was hard, so couldn't really think. I seriously need a Physic Tuition, I don't want it to put my marks down, but i couldn't concentrate in class, our class changed 3 physic teacher already.... Tuesday is the Double 'S'(slack but stress) day, CD we have the sexual thing talk again. 3B+3C= CHAOS, so no one really pay attention. Love my blogskins lots! Will be changing the photos on top now and than. :D
posted onSunday, July 12, 2009 by Huimin
 Time to reveal what We did yesterday! When over to Maria's house to make Natasha's bday present! We were soaked head to toe thanks to the rain! We actually spened more time on the computer than doing the present, finished at 7pm. COSFEST DAY 1 TODAYWe were supposed to meet at 3 but end up meeting at 4, so didn't see much Cosplayer. Saw Jody, Cristelle, JJ and Yuki today! Jody looked so cute and Cristelle looked cool! Group photo with VW world! The wind there was so strong that my skirt flew up, it a good thing i wear shorts under. walked around and took photos till 6pm++ and went over to Compass point to celebrate Martina's bday!  Had dinner at Pizza hut and well, we just spend our time there laughing.
posted onFriday, July 10, 2009 by Huimin
Happy Birthday Natasha!Super tried today! I'm Tried everyday. After school went over to Maria's house. Thanks to the rain, we were wet head to toe, Maria lend me her clothes. It was super long/big, i can't see my FBT shorts, it was as though I was not wearing anything. Cosfest Tomorrow!
posted onWednesday, July 8, 2009 by Huimin
I think on every Literature lesson, we will learn something new that is not related to Literature. Last week was sausage, yesterday was Sharks and Elephant. Literature will always be interesting but stressful. BT making us bring cup when we reach 'A History of Tea' =.= SUPER Tried now! Want to sleep! Seriously wanted to skip school today, was acting sick but it didn't work. "CCA will be suspended"YESSSSS
posted onMonday, July 6, 2009 by Huimin
posted onWednesday, July 1, 2009 by Huimin
School this past few days was quite relaxing. Because of H1N1 we have to stay at common test venue the whole day. I prefer the Homeroom system! Staying in the same room one whole day is sian, make you sleepily, can't excise=become fat. But than again, once i sit down i can't be bother to get up. Literature homework, i hand up a half done work. Oh well, better than nothing. During Literature, we were having pair discussion and BT walk over " Sipderman so cute"(took my pencil case and look) was prying hard, 'Please do not open, please do not open, please do not open, please do not open.' luckily she didn't, I can't imagine what she will day if she saw Daiki's, Yuri's and Ryosuke's photo in my pencil case.