posted onSaturday, August 29, 2009 by Huimin
Carnival Day
 The morning was quite rush, cause there was only me, Maria and Yvonne, setting up the stall, where the rest of the class is taking their own sweet time to come to school. The stall wasn't even properly set up yet and people were coming to play already. Overall, it was like a big success, I didn't expect us to earn so much, $600+
Went for 2rounds of 3B1's haunted house, came out laughing every time. It funny for me as we know who they are. Went to 3D's haunted house with Natalie, Vernice, Maria, Charmaine, Shaheera, Asiah, Akina and her friend. It was super scary, before we even go in, we were clinging onto each other already. Once the door open, we started screaming and was stuck at one point, kind of make the tour guide angry, cause we keep screaming and didn't want to move. It was super hot that day and almost all the drink store was out of stock and i was thinking in the morning"so many drink store for what" and the end of the day "OMG, WHERE IS THE WATER!"
Stay to clean up after, went compass with Maria to get our NOBUTA WO PRODUCE! Disc, finally there is a store in Singapore which sell them!
posted onThursday, August 27, 2009 by Huimin
It finally done! After 2days of choinging! It is done! A BIG THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HELPED! Natasha, Natalie, Vernice, Namira, Izza, Delfina, Deirdre. Yesterday~ Skipped band to do the stuff, did it in the canteen till don't know what time. Reach home around 6.30 Today~ Skipped Math remedial to chiong and left at 4.30 for band, went back to help after band and finish at 6.30. Were visiting 3B1 in between and me and Maria were the first outsider(?) to try their store. I NEED MORE TIME TO SLEEP. My eyes were totally red today, and i couldn't open them in the morning and it was red throughout the whole day. School tomorrow..... I'll try my best!
posted onTuesday, August 25, 2009 by Huimin
*RANTS, I just want to let off my anger/irritation/frustration somewhere*Damn Carnival, Shit you Carnival, I'm not looking forward to Carnival day. And I'm so looking forward to next year, can't wait to get out of this shitty monitor job, just give me my CCA point and leave me alone. _l_ Class don't even bother about our class game store, they are not even serious. Just throw everything to us to do. And ZHANG is adding stress to me, asking me to do impossible stuff, HELLO, DO I LOOK LIKE A D&T STUDENT? Do you f*** ing think that i own a workshop to do all those stuff you demand of? Class don't like the idea for Carnival day? But they DIDN'T SUGGEST ANYTHING TO US. How do you expect me to think?! Suggest to you about this, you get us shitty comments back. Want to discuss about it, all you all know what to do is TALK TALK AND IGNORE US. ya, sure, I'm invisible, I never knew that i have such superpower. Every single stuff also ask me, you think I very free isit? I don't get the school, can't they leave us alone to study? WHY must they always think of something to stress us up?!
posted onMonday, August 24, 2009 by Huimin
Carnival Day is coming soon...STRESS, lots of stress..... lets put that aside first*kick* Haven't got back back any paper since last week, teachers sure like to take their time to mark.. EOY test is near too, I'll try my best to study whenever I'm free, aiming to score high. I think the trying to love band back plan is working, just not for Wednesday practice. Did nothing much today, since many had 2.4 retest, class, etc. and band was quite small. Had sectional and wasted hell lot of time which can be put into better use. Pack up and play wacko after that, quite fun la, but still.
posted onSunday, August 23, 2009 by Huimin
Hi everyone, hows life.... MY COMPUTER EXPLODED! Well, kind of. IT DIED I was using it yesterday when my screen suddenly when black and i off the switch, waited awhile and online again, and BOOM/POOP, it exploded, I even saw a white light. JUST PRAY HARD THAT MY THINGS CAN BE RECOVER :( am using my sis's ladtop now. NATSURI MATSURI So in the end I when to Natsu Matsuri with Siew Kim, Denise, Eunice, Valerie and Cherie. The queue was SUPER LONG, i think we waited for 1hour? before we manage to get the ticket! First thing me do? BUY FOOD! Cause we were super hungry. Couldn't find a seat so we sit at the straits. After that meet Natsha, Maria, Deirder, Apple and Chleo. Walk around and waned to rent the yukata but it was gone. Oh well, try luck next year. We all got this, i don't know how to play but still buy. was trying just now and OMG, I DID IT!  When back to meet band friends and we when to play games! ADDICTED to the YO-YO GAME! Super fun! Each of us spend $4 on that game and we hook 22Balls! After that when to play the Tikan-game, me and siew kim go a shirt which is worth $10.   When home after that, casuse most of us want to watch FF7:AC in time!   Reach home and chong to TV. Just in time to watch FF7:AC! "OMG CLOUD^#^#@^$#^#@" I was totally crazy when watching it. I was switching between FF7:AC and Inuyasha.
posted onThursday, August 20, 2009 by Huimin
Am I a boring person to be with?I have such a lonely and no-life life. Shall blog about today. Nothing much happen during school time. I even play Tennise with Natasha without slacking! It was quite fun, when we chase after the ball we won't run in 'the anime girl style' SUPER GAY, i swear! And did the winning position pose. I gave Maths remedial a skip and was doing homework at the canteen with Delfina before we go off to our CCA. *Cough- sinceidon'twanttoteachthesec1-Cough* After that at 3.45 was looking for Felicia/maybe waiting for Tessa to go to band and waste a bit of time. But I couldn't find them and bump into Xue Shan and Eugenia, than we there talking while wasting time before we drag our body to band. We have good timing! The time we enter band room, some sec1 have to leave! YAY! Though we did nothing much today, first band clinic and I Recommend. I was totally lost, cause I miss quite a number of Thursday practice, and to make thing worst, I was the first to be tested.... ANYWAY, as many people know, 7 th month is here...And i remember the story(don't know can say is story or not) my sis told me. About this auntie selling koropok, who will come knocking on your door, asking you to buy. And she say that if you don't buy, she will curse you. (shit! now i don't dare to answer the door!) I not sure if it is really real, but it happened to my sis's friend. Said that last time she was around hougang area now like go tampines or bedok there.
posted onWednesday, August 19, 2009 by Huimin
Got back maths paper today, as expected, I failed... I'm starting to find Social Studies more interesting. Oh and today, this china troop(?) came and perform face changing, DAMN COOL! I SWEAR. They change the mask in a blink of eyes! DAMN COOl, and the one the guy not band looking... AHAHAH, anyway, its damn cool! Band.... I.Hate.Stella.Liu. She sucks! Stella Liu(said something like that):I think that most sec3 won't want to go to band camp. Whats wrong? Every time I see you, your face black black, like Tracy. Tracy, not happy ah? Why face so black?I swear our band is dying and soon it will be dead, with useless teachers around. And there is really no use in asking the band if we want to go the competition next year. There isn't a point.I mean after all, what choice do we have? What choice did you leave us with? Keep quiet and get scolded, Say "No" and get scolded. After all, when a question is ask, we have to take it as a order, with only "Yes Ma'am" as our answer. Ask us for opinion? What is the use? At the end of the day, no matter how many don't want to go, the higher ranks still win. I don't get how you think we really want to go to the competition when most of us answer back half-hearted-ly and unwilling.Anyway, we were re-arraging scores today, at least its better than sectional. But after i was half done i when to take a break and became bored... I have no one to talk to in band..... I'M ON GOING TO TRY TO LOVE BAND AGAIN WITH TESSA.why not love it instead of hate it when i still have 2more years
posted onTuesday, August 18, 2009 by Huimin
okay... I don't really feel like going to school tomorrow. I need to read the stupid reflection thing which I have no idea why must it be the monitor doing it. School was kind of.... harsh today. 5perido of Lit today is really a killer. Had a 550words Essay to do which I don't think i can write pass 200....
posted onMonday, August 17, 2009 by Huimin
School was tiring today, felt like sleeping but too bad 1st lesson is maths... manage to get some sleep during english. Pure Lit was cut short today cause this Handbell group for Hongkong came over to perform. Which means.... 5period of Pure Lit tomorrow! 2hours and 30minutes of copying stuff and such... Band was.... I have no comment... I finally see the new teacher-in-charge for band, don't have much opinion of her. We did 16cone claps after that, at first is 10 one, than Mr. Tan when to "play" us. Make us do 6more...
posted onSunday, August 16, 2009 by Huimin
Singapore Toy & Comic Con today! I took lots of photo, but its with apple, since she lend me her camera for the whole day, THANK YOU, love you and your camera lots! I kind of overslept today, was suppose to go to maria's house at 10.30 but i woke up at 10+ so meet at MRT station at a later time. I guess I'll update later when i go my hands on the photo, am dead tried now and theres school tomorrow D:
posted onFriday, August 14, 2009 by Huimin
After my almost 2weeks MC, I'm finally back in school yesterday! Morning was kind of bad, Didn't feel really well. Today was worst, I vomited in the morning and was in a rush to go to school. Pure Lit was okay, I didn't manage to complete the last question, was half way through, maybe left my last point... 45minutes is NO ENOUGH. After that is slackness, Friday is such a slacking day, if not for maths. Anyway, due to this virus attack, I lose weight, and became paler. My panda eyes and eyes bag became worst too. Since I didn't had much sleep, will wake up in the middle of my sleep due to too much coughing or that my fever is back. I could only eat half of what i used to. And I think because i ate too much medicines, I started to have rash(not sure what isit) all over my body. And to make thing worst, because of my skin colour, i scrap abit then red le.
posted onTuesday, August 11, 2009 by Huimin
Hi, hows life.... My wish came true. I went to school, get a quick read through of Alina's SS notes and decided to try my best. When suddenly, temperature taking! Have a fever, send me down, went home and visit polyclinic. Another 2 days of MC of me. And i think there is something wrong with my computer, it will suddenly play this weird music!
posted onMonday, August 10, 2009 by Huimin
Exams tomorrow? Oh I'm SO prepare.... Why must they put SS as the 1st paper? Why can't it be english and chinese?! I don't even know anything about the chapter that is going to be test! I'm bound to get a BIG FAT ZERO. SHIT! THINKING ABOUT IT ALREADY MAKE ME STRESS! PLEASE, STRIKE ME WITH A FEVER TOMORROW MORNING. and properly land me in hospitable for 1 week. Mum, I'll give you all my saving. LET ME ESCAPE!
posted onSunday, August 9, 2009 by Huimin
I haven't started studying. I'm Prepared to fail SS, I don't know anything about the chapter that is going to be test and I don't have my textbook with me. Maybe I'm too lazy, or i really can't concentrated. Somehow, I don't want to recover yet. So that I'll miss CT3 and my worries will be all gone cause I would properly be hospitalized by than. I'm not fully recover yet, but am feeling better now. I want to be well again! IT SUCKS TO BE SICKAlso, I miss out National Day Celebration because of my sickness as well. Though it doesn't matter, since I would be stuck with band, not enjoying the celebration as well, like last year....
posted onThursday, August 6, 2009 by Huimin
a little update on my condition..... I wen to KK hospitable yesterday to have a check up, just in case since my fever had been coming and going this past 7 days. And I even started Vomited some days ago, things didn't look good and became worst And I even thought that I'll never become well again. It is kind of weird, since I'm not 16 and above, i have to go to the children section, its kind of weird... Everyone around me is all small, cute kids! I had my blood taken and it is said that it is not H1N1 :) and given another 2 days of MC, so all i could say is BYEBYE COMMON TEST 3 RESULTS, I"M SO GOING TO FAIL. I didn't attend school the whole of this week and CT3 is just hopeless, can i be excuse from exams? All i had been doing all this while is sleep sleep and sleep, I didn't use the computer for the past few days, let alone study, really had no energy. And due to some unknown reason, I had hearing problem as well, I can't really heard properly. ANYWAY, SEE YOU GUYS NEXT WEEK IN SCHOOL!
posted onMonday, August 3, 2009 by Huimin
The past few days have been miserable!!!! My fever keep coming and going, i can't stop coughing and had difficulty with breathing. I really think my lungs will give up on me and wanted to kill myself. If my memory didn't fail me, i remember the doctor saying that i have this new virus, if i don't cure it, it will become H1N1, so it is quite serious, if i still don't recover need to go to hospitable. This year CT3... I don't think i can make it, will be missing out a lot.