posted onFriday, October 30, 2009 by Huimin
Last day of school! Holiday start from now! But still need go back school for CCA and lesson, worst re-test for the paper fail for SA2. I DON'T WANT TO RE-TEST MATH PAPER!
posted onFriday, October 30, 2009 by Huimin
Last day of school! Holiday start from now! But still need go back school for CCA and lesson, worst re-test for the paper fail for SA2. I DON'T WANT TO RE-TEST MATH PAPER!
posted onWednesday, October 28, 2009 by Huimin
Beauty production presentation today, Our group did Manicure. After learning from the lesson yesterday, I don't want to have a hard time washing away make up and stuff. NATURAL IS THE BEST.
SO, I was thinking FINALLY,I can go home early tomorrow BUT NO, I remember I have BAND tomorrow......DAMN IT posted onTuesday, October 27, 2009 by Huimin
Pilot survey in the morning. 30question for survey and 40minutes to do 41 MATH question... I can't believe they make us do math question right after EOY. But it was easy, Primary school+Secondary school questions, but also got some anyhow chose cause don't want waste time on it.
After recess is beauty course again. Did make up first and than switch to manicure. Have BIG trouble washing off the make-up, the eyeliner is super hard to wash off! make me look like I have very bad eyes rings! Leave for Field trip after that, I don't know where we went cause I was sleeping through out the whole trip. posted onSunday, October 25, 2009 by Huimin![]() Did I mention about my new bed fame? Anyway, I got a new bed fame last week! It's double decked! My sis is on top and I'm at the bottom, which means! A nice empty wall to myself!..okay, i lied, it is not nice at all, there is patches here and there. ANYWAY, back to the point! Remember the Potato magazine which include 2poster? They are now beautifully pined on My wall! posted onFriday, October 23, 2009 by Huimin
Got back SS+History result, not quite happy with what I have gotten, could have done better.
After recess is Beauty course again. Manicure today. Maria helped me to get off the cuticle and Cherie Anne paint my nails. After that was Make-up, Vernice the "pro" was using her "professional" skills on me and Natasha make my eyes look like panda eyes! ![]() 歐得洋-孤單北半球 The lonesome northern hemispher 用我的晚安陪你吃早餐 记得把想念存进扑满 我望着满天星在闪 听牛郎对织女说要勇敢 别怕我们在地球的两端 看我的问候骑着魔毯 飞用光速飞到你面前 要你能看到十字星有北极星作伴 少了我的手臂当枕头你习不习惯 你的望远镜望不到我北半球的孤单 太平洋的潮水跟着地球来回旋转 我会耐心地等随时欢迎你靠岸 少了我的怀抱当暖炉你习不习惯 e给你照片看不到我北半球的孤单 世界再大两颗真心就能互相取暖 想念不会偷懒我的梦通通给你保管 别怕我们在地球的两端 看我的问候骑着魔毯 飞用光速飞到你面前 要你能看到十字星有北极星作伴 少了我的手臂当枕头你习不习惯 你的望远镜望不到我北半球的孤单 太平洋的潮水跟着地球来回旋转 我会耐心地等随时欢迎你靠岸 少了我的怀抱当暖炉你习不习惯 e给你照片看不到我北半球的孤单 世界再大两颗真心就能互相取暖 想念不会偷懒我的梦通通给你保管 少了我的手臂当枕头你习不习惯 你的望远镜望不到我北半球的孤单 太平洋的潮水跟着地球来回旋转 我会耐心地等随时欢迎你靠岸 少了我的怀抱当暖炉你习不习惯 e给你照片看不到我北半球的孤单 世界再大两颗真心就能互相取暖 想念不会偷懒我的梦通通给你保管 He is one of the few singers that i buy singles of....damn, I forgot where I put his album/singles! I'm sure it is somewhere in my house! posted onThursday, October 22, 2009 by Huimin
First thing in the morning, FANGIRLing again. Yup, was passing Atikah magazines where all the fangirling started. When to hall with Alina for the Most gracious girl award thing...
Principal: Do you know why you are chosen? *shake hands* Me: er, no. Principal: Didn't you ask your friends? Me: No. Principal: Aren't you curious? Me: sa....... *walk away* Beauty course after recess, learned how to clean our face and the steps. Learning manicure and pedicure tomorrow. BAND....played new song and Road to Gokuesen(the background music of Gokusen) Then we watched a video taken by a choir teacher who went to Japan. It was from a All girl school, should be high school. Mr. Yea said something like the first song is popular and well-know and all so i though it was YMCA. WAIT, this sound SUPER FAMILIAR. *take in big breath* Isn't this Arashi's A.RA.SHI?!?!?!??! OMG! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! *look around band to find someone to fangirl with.* so Samatha and I spotted each other and shouted "HUIMIN/SAMATHA! ARASHI!!!!!!!!!!!"*couldn't breath* *sing along softly* The power of Arashi And the rest of the time in band, i was wide awake. posted onWednesday, October 21, 2009 by Huimin
Got the rest of the results today. Expect SS and History.
Science I was happy with my marks, in fact, i was even shock that i score higher for physic! Pure Literature, lucky Mrs Tan was not that strict when making paper 1 if the paper was marked by Ms. Tan, there will be a chance that I'll fail, for sure. I WANT BACK MY SS AND HISTORY PAPERS BACK! We learned form yesterday-nearly bored to death. So we brought magazines to school. FANGIRLING first thing in the morning! More from Horikoshi sports day. The reason why there is so little Daiki is because they're in different class & level. Yuri, Yuto and Ryosuke are in same class, year 1. Daiki in year 3. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() posted onTuesday, October 20, 2009 by Huiminposted onMonday, October 19, 2009 by HuiminYATCH CLUB OUTING~! Natasha's Dad' friend invited us to his Yatch for a BBQ party! SO I was late in meeting them cause my new bed fame arrived on that day and I need to stay and help my mum. AND the bed fame arrived LATE by almost 1hour.![]() ![]() ![]() posted onSaturday, October 17, 2009 by Huimin
I'm Addicted to this song! Although its perverted but I love the melody! It will sound innocent if you don't know the English subtitles
Chirarizumu(Glance up a skirt) Shige and Koyama look super cute here! Never Ending Wonderful Story NEWS Concert in 2007. Which mean the year Hey!Say!JUMP deut. In this video, you can see chibi CHINEN YURI(w/ Masuda)! Morimoto Ryutaro(w/ Shige) & Shintaro(w/ Tegoshi). Nakajima Yuto(w/ Yamapi). Yamada Ryosuke(w/ Ryo). And the other i don't know who he is but his name is Taiga(w/ Koyama) ![]() posted onFriday, October 16, 2009 by HuiminThis video just remind me exactly why i love yuri! THIS IS SUPER FUNNY! Koichi is NAKED under the blanket!! Ya Ya Yah & K.K.K. Version. I only relies that the Hotel's bed is not as comfortable as sleeping bags or the self of the hotel room. Yabu is SUPER CUTE! Hey!Hey!Hey! Telephone box! This is 2years ago the temporary Hey!Say!7 group. ![]() ![]() You can see the fanboy side of chinen again.
posted by Huimin AH...I really want to get one of those! But i scared the sound that come out is not good. And the other point is the price. $Cost + $Shipping fee + $Handing fee = $ BOMB $ Espcially the 1st one! DAMN EXP! But I like the waterproof(last) one too! But the cube(3rd) one is nice! But so is the ball(2nd) one! posted onThursday, October 15, 2009 by Huimin
I'M BORED!3Days into exam break and I didn't go out with my friends!
Why isn't my phone ringing.... Nothing much today. Late breakfast/Early Lunch at Ikea with mum today. And rest of the day is just with computer. Why isn't my phone ringing? Spend my day watching/re-watching videos. posted onWednesday, October 14, 2009 by Huimin
This picture is taken from their recently school sport day! %#$&$#&^(#%$@^%&)@!$#&^&$ ......okay........i couldn't stop my fangirl once i saw this photo. But seriously! I want to be studying in Horikoshi! Lots of JE member study there! IT WILL BE HEAVEN. 12:40AM my fangirl came out again after watching this. YAMAPI'S HOTNESS+SEXINESS posted onTuesday, October 13, 2009 by Huimin
My neighbour should STOP eating chocolate!(those that you melt it and eat it with fruits etc.) I can smell it! It is making my hungry and i have nothing to eat at home! That remind me, i should stock up my fridge soon.
I finally found the full ep of shounen club with the Hey!Say!BEST wo Abake section in it! ![]() The last photo on the right- YAMETE! YAMETE! YAMETE!(Stop it) Tegoshi said something like "when someone yelled out the type of girl he(Yabu) like, he screamed, YAMETE! YAMETE! YAMETE!" ![]() ![]() posted onMonday, October 12, 2009 by Huimin
Math Paper2
Okay..... No hope for math le, although it is a bit easier than paper 1. Physics It was easy! Not as easy as chemistry, but I think I can pass. EXAM IS OVER! IT IS OVER! O.V.E.R.IT IS OVER! After the papers went to liang court to have lunch at basement. KINOKUNIYA! KINO=MAGAZINE=FANGIRLING=HYPER MOOD. Ya, finally get a magazine today! After so long! Although it is kind of out-dated but who cares! There is ARASHI, HEY!SAY!JUMP and NEWS ![]() ![]() DAIKI! ONE WHOLE PAGE TO HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE! I think every month will have different HSJ member. I FEEL SO LUCKY! DAIKI! I feel like tearing this page off and paste on my wall! ANYWAY, walked back to clark quey and spend a good 40minutes watching the people making stickys. Went back to Senkang and played gounded at some park there till 6.40+ MORE POST EXAM ACTIVITY COMING UP THIS ONE WEEK BREAK. posted onFriday, October 9, 2009 by Huimin*PICTURE SPAM* Found new person to fangirl over! DOMOTO KOICHI! HE IS SUPER CUTE, COOL, HANDSOME & HOT. The way he laugh about the bear joke! CUTENESS! And especially when he did the "BEAR~" thing when he sit down and laugh*CUTENESS OVERLOAD* TegoMasu is much love too! Both of them super cute! Especially when Masuda do the 'slowly look at camera face' posted by Huimin
My Mum, aunts my aunt's friend are playing majonhg now. HATE IT TO THE MAX. Some more my computer is in the living room, where they are playing, they are right behind me. Last time say won't play until very long, in the end 4AM than they went home. Majonhg that nice to play meh! My mum is so busy playing that she throw the housework at me.
SHOCK! OH NO! IT IS REAL! *sad* posted by HuiminChinese Like English, I screw up paper 1. Paper 2 was quite easy. But when doing paper2,i was suffering. Stomach hurt so much that I have to stop writing half way. 100% fail, no hope already. Will try my best with paper2 next week. Social Studies In find it easy. Have confident will pass. After that went to Maria's house to study History. But we spend too much time on the computer. Overall was productive since we Did study in the end. History Was quite easy. But SEQ was a shock. "Appeasement was not a good thing for the Allies."Do you agree? I have no idea who the allies was referring to,so i just take it that they are Britain and France. Literature Paper 1, Unseen. Totally screw, prepare fail le! I don't understand the poem! Paper 2, might help me pull up my marks. Cause I didn't study the story that came out, but luckily remember part of it. Revise Chemistry with Shirlene and Alina. Stay in school till 6.30, super tried! But it was productive!
Chemistry Was very easy! Now have to concentrate oh Physic! I don't want it to pull my science marks down! posted onFriday, October 2, 2009 by HuiminUpdates on what happened the past few days. This is actually the first time I'm motivated to study. Didn't use the computer for the pass few days. Okay, not really... I used it at night to check LJ, if not sure flood with community posts. English oral The tester for my class was Ms Sarah! This is the easiest oral in my whole live so far. I can totally heard what Ms Sarah was asking Lisa(who was before me) which give me enough time to brainstorm on the answers and think of more thing to say. Chinese Listening Comprehension Totally no confident! Harder than i expected! It was more like 'What-is-you-view' questions! English Paper Totally screw up for paper 1...I wrote out of point for section 1! All my hope is on letter writing! Summary for paper 2 was quiet hard, ran out of words and had to take away some points. Yabu's new drama appearances! I don't know much information about this drama(if only someone translate the summary below) but seeing the drama name as "SHE LOVES ME" 100% going to be romance... I don't think i will like it, BUT i will watch it! just because of Yabu! ![]() ![]() Dad: Is that(Daiki) a girl or boy? Me: Boy la. Dad: He look like girl leh. You like that type of guys? I don't like eh. Me: .....So you are hinting me to date Manly guy? Dad: YA Me: ...Whatever |
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