posted onWednesday, March 31, 2010 by Huimin
 School was pretty tiring today, Wednesday is always such a tiring day. 2.2 in the morning, have to run 11 big rounds w/o the back of the hall. But I couldn't make pass 8cause I've cramp... hurts like hell. After the run I became more tried... After school there is the some guy coming to talk about some stuff on our Lit book, which nearly fall asleep. Band after that is super boring, POP rehearsal is irritating, they don't even need much of the band, waste our time! And we were release late too! We were suppose to have a break tomorrow but thanks to POP and that damn ART FEST that they added this year, there will be none AND TO MAKE IN WORST, there will be additional practice, WHAT IS THIS....
posted onMonday, March 29, 2010 by Huimin
Notice something? Hint: it happen before they move.School was hell today. Couldn't sleep yesterday so end up sleeping late! And woke up today with headache. To make thing worst, we've SS follow by English today, totally feel like falling asleep during lessons! PE make thing worst, have to run 2 big rounds within 3mins and 30sec and every one was running like mad, I make it back by 3mins and 10sec but it was super tiring! How to run for 2.4 like that!
My Math CT2 result is very bad! I hate speed-time and distance-time graph! ARGH, stupid careless mistakes! Pure Literature remedial after school was quite fun, cover quite a lot of things. I guess that is the advantage of just having 9people turn up for remedial. It was suppose to end at 4, but Belina Tan drag till 4+. When for band after that but as I was walking towards the band room, everyone starts coming out. I just have myself miss band again and not seen the new score yet! Evidence of Ohmiya!
 They confessed to each other, IN A MAGAZINE.Ohno: To Nino, reeeeeeally love you lots (seriously).Nino: To Ohno-san, I love you. I love everything about you.
posted onSunday, March 28, 2010 by Huimin
Aiba look so cute here! And he is not being grossed out looking into Sho's mouth, even cuter!!!There is band tomorrow... I don't feel like going but I;m still feeling a little guilty for skipping band last Thursday for no reason so I will go! And I need to see the new score! Anyway, later at 10:30, radio station 93.3 will be playing Troublemaker AGAIN for Jpop Suki Section! YAY~!! 3times in a row! Cause Arashi is still on 2 nd place on the weekly Oricon Chart! 2 week ago(the week it release) it was 1st and last week was 2 nd! Arashi no Shukudai-Kun, last episode :(
Mayonaka no Arashi, C no Arashi, D no Arashi, G no Arashi and now Arashi no Shukudai-kun.All these have been running for 8years on the same day and time slot with the same staff and is now over... All I could hope for is the current staff is also moving to the new show cause they have been with Arashi all these years. Sho was quite happy when Aiba approach him...  But when he saw what is on Aiba's hand, he got scare!  A pair of... SCISSORS  Even though Sho is saying that, he is already unbuttoning his pajamas One sided nipple shirt! Well...come to think of it, it is always Aiba cutting them Ohno have the same punishment I couldn't stop laughing! They were suppose to think of 4words that is Kanji(Chinese character) MatsuJun have another punishment cause he repeated what he said in the first round.
And the punishment is MatsuJun's famous.....
GOLDEN FACE MAN Making Sho show his fail side again   But I think Sho did improve, I understand what this mean when I saw it. I WANT AnS BACK!
posted onSaturday, March 27, 2010 by Huimin
AC was boring shit! ARGH, the thing start at 4 and yet they told us to reach by 2.45??? Wasted my time there! shouldn't have went! I though it was counted ad one of the duty to clear off for monitor but it wasn't! That means I still have one more event to clear! The only good thing about going, is the food! Well, I didn't really eat much.. okay I eat alot, mostly cheese cake! Nino was trying to get a BIG pudding out of the bucket but when it did, the sauce spats on him.
posted onThursday, March 25, 2010 by Huimin
♥ this so much! I RECEIVED MY TOUBLEMAKER SINGLE YESTERDAY! Meet up with the seller yesterday to get it! School today was alright. I wanted to skip school today but there is 42hours of Pure Literature today... Didn't know that there is Chinese test today, but luckily I bring my dictionary to school everyday! ASP after school. At first it is quite alright, have motivation to study until I started fangirling with Maria and have trouble concentrating. Band after ASP which I only attend for 25minutes?! Played Instant Concert in 4/4 and it is quite weird... what worst is our mistake can be spotted easily! Band is quite small today cause most of the Sec4 pon band for their tomorrow's test.
posted onMonday, March 22, 2010 by Huimin
 If only SG have such great CM!!! If only I'm rich enough to own a Wii! I would have buy the game!
I think I lost motivation to study already. Anyway, school was not bad today, fangirl quite alot! Social Studies test after school which I don't have much confident in since I don't have time to study for it thanks to band. Band concert celebration after SS test! YAY~!!! It was so nice of Mark Chan and Stella Liu to treat us to PIZZA!!! With their only money! Anyway, it was fun. Epic moment of Dai Ling wanting to drink the Pepsis but for some gods-know-what-reason, it exploded.
Anyway, Stella Liu wanted us to write what are the 2 things we enjoy about the concert and improvement that can be done. How can we even write that when thanks to the concert, we(Maybe it is juts me who is slow) found out that Mr. Tan was FORCED to leave us. THANKS TO THE DAMN SCHOOL, another reason to hate the school for making us lose this awesome conductor. Secondly, to make thing worse, HIHS was our guest band for ENCORE III and right before the concert start he told us not to get nervous, "WHY TELL US NOW OF ALL TIME" Than it was the black and "when-will-this-end" face from SC and CLC which piss us even more. Well, if they felt force, why not say they were too sick to attend the concert?! AND CLC SLEPT during our concert! Until we play Instant Concert. Some people really need to understand that LOUD =/= GOOD, cause I don't think there will ever be a song with all maccato signs on every note, and no crescendo and decrescendo.
At least our VP is so much better! During our performance at Taka on Saturday, she went to watch us. And even offer to help us hold our stuff when some of us want to go to the washroom. She even told us she enjoy the performance and she meant it.
Today is the last ep. of Arashi no Shukudai-kun! :( And I found out that Utaban is ending too! WHAT IS WRONG WITH JOHNNY!!!  His An An photo is definitely better!
 Aiba look very scare here.
 AILAND  DO what~ :D
 The famous nipple shirt! Cause Sho's team want to be given another chance in one of the game.
 This is why News ZERO should NEVER air after Arashi no Shukudai-kun
posted onSunday, March 21, 2010 by Huimin
posted onSaturday, March 20, 2010 by Huimin
 Band starts at 9 today. Have to drag myself to wake up and go to school. I couldn't sleep much last night at all! For some reason, the songs we played during our concert yesterday keep repeating itself in my mind! Especially We're All In This Together! WHY MUST IT RAIN TODAY! Walk under the rain quite a few times! Anyway, today's performance only consist the Sec3&4, so YEAH~!!! Practice Instant Concert on auto- pilot mood and than Liberty Bell. Went over to Taka and wait for our turn to perform. The waiting time was super long! And everyone was tried+hungry but we still manage to do quite a good job. Just that because it is an open area, we can't really be heard from the back. Mr. Chan is such a nice guy! Give us free Milo!
I spot couple shirt! Spot someone behind Ohno~! Ohno, nice way to advertise for MatsuJun Taking advantage of Aiba's height
posted onFriday, March 19, 2010 by Huimin
ENCORE III Concert is FINALLY OVER!As usual, band start at 1, practice a few time and have rehearsal in the hall before HIHS come and rehearsal our combined song together. SUPER AWKWARD, I was sitting next to the HIHS clarinet player and was like... er... *look at each other* okay... You can have the stand....*talk to Atikah and try to ignore them*After that rest for awhile before having dinner. Change into our uniform before going to the hall for 1 final rehearsal before the audience start coming. Overture No. 1, Road of Gokusen, Instant Concert, If we Hold on Together, Kita no Kuna Kara.Super nervous at the start! And since I was sitting at the corner, I was SUPER CLOSE to the audience and that make it worst! After playing, it was HIHS's turn before we have our combine song, We're all in this together. It was great! Went back Band room. Conductors, seniors, teacher talk to us about today's concert...And everyone start going HIGH~! So sweet of Yvonne to give us flower! I think we play pretty good today, if only we were not that nervous! It could have sound better!!! Well, at least we didn't have 16 alummi, which some are professional players, to help us with the concert. PLUS, half(or less) of our band is made up of sec1&2(who can't really play). And also, we only receive the songs that we're playing 3weeks prior the concert!
posted onThursday, March 18, 2010 by Huimin
Band concert tomorrow, today is pretty much okay. But I think it is a bad idea for them to make us come back so many days in a row. We'll be mentally wore out, especially after playing the same old song for so many time! My holiday is pretty much gone cause I just found out that I need to play for this Saturday's performance at Taka there...
posted onWednesday, March 17, 2010 by Huimin
Band today was quite fun and useful. Did the usual warm up, combined, sectionals and Mrs. Goh help us during sectionals too. YVONNE CAME BACK TODAY! YAY~! Redo our actions for Big Fun in the Sun, I think we've like 3 version of action of this song already. Went through Instant Concert, If We Hold On Together, Kita no Kuna Kara, and Big Fun In The Sun. Told Stella Liu that I won't be joining the band for the competiton that they're forcing us to go, cause I want to concertrate on my studies and i doubt it is even worth to stay in band. WELL, at least I'll still be able to go to the Taiwan trip.
 The one who haven't change..of course it will be... *spot the already unhappy face in the corner* DAIKI~!!!!Spot the 'Must we really talk about it' faceand there is Chinen trying not to laugh, so evil! SO CUTE! Give the 'I dare you to call me short' face Give the 'you're so dead' face THAT is a good thing AND Please DON'T CHANGE IT.
*SQUEAL* Give the 'Enough, you don't have to say anything anymore' face Give the 'I WANT TO GROW (TALLER)' faceHIS POUT IS SO CUTE WHY SO HOTAM I SEEING DAIKI IN THE CENTER~?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! And yamada totally block?!?!?! :D