posted onThursday, April 29, 2010 by Huimin
Aiba's Pika*nchi Solo performance is DAMN COOL, loving it more and I was bathing in my own sweat during morning assembly.FREAKING WARM! Sweating like mad cow! THE HEAT IS TOO MUCH and there is no wind at all! Didn't have Chinese lesson today cause Xie Lao Shi was too angry to teach since the whole class didn't do her work. Pure Lit was hell, copying nonstop! Was suppose to have English today but since English paper is over, it become Math and tomorrow will have 1more extra period of math too!
posted onWednesday, April 28, 2010 by Huimin
 English Paper 1 and 2 and PE paper today. I think I'll flunk my English paper 1, I've a feeling I write out of point! And letter writing! ARGH, they didn't tell us who I'm writing too! One person or a group of people from different CCA?! PE paper was okay, easy I guess? Didn't study for it thought, give up since there is no point studying last minutes. But the paper is seriously too long, 10minutes is more than enough, why 20?!
posted onTuesday, April 27, 2010 by Huimin
Sho's face when Aiba is mention...Actually It is the face that Aiba give Sho when Aiba finally remember not to sing the other members line during concert.Chemistry is seriously too hard to understand, everything seems to be memorising now! Mid-year is coming and after that is Prelims and than 'N' Levels! The future seems to be never ending exams coming up! Not to mention that I still need to go back for CCA after mid-year since I'm not counted as graduating member.... I have decided! To cut down my time on Computer to and hour and a half and I manage to achieve it so far! Focusing on studies now! But it is hard to study at home! I can't really study and only process a bit... maybe i still go to the library.... Anyway, my whole body hurts badly now, the after effect of PFT yesterday...
posted onMonday, April 26, 2010 by Huimin
Ohno on Tensai!Shimura Doubutsuen I can't wait for the subbed version to be out! Pan-Kun is so adorable! and smart! AND SO LUCKY! He always get to hug Aiba! and now Ohno!SS and English is super boring, I manage to read quite a number of page of FMA without getting caught. PFT re-test today, as expected, didn't pass AGAIN. I can't do incline pull up to save my life.... still 0, 0, 0. And for some reason I couldn't do standing broad jump as well, so Miss Tan make me jump again and again until my keen got weak that I fall on one of my attempt.Fall side way and it HURTS LIKE HELL! My poor palm, hips and keen! But still manage to pass it.
posted onSaturday, April 24, 2010 by Huimin
HOT+SEXY NinoChinese Oral, SCREWED. The time to read was not enough! And I couldn't clam down! Stumble on quite a few words! I forgot how to say C.I.P in Chinese! ARGH, was like thinking, '社会...社会..Shit la! WHAT IS THAT DAMN WORD!' I don't think keeping quiet for a long time is good so i just say, "学校可以举伴 C.I.P. ........." First time in my whole life did I just English during Chinese oral!    I am not surprise. After all, all Ohno do in his free time is properly fishing, drawing, fishing and more fishing
posted onFriday, April 23, 2010 by Huimin
*squeal*School was 'Tuesday' today. Pretty much okay, but Chemistry is seriously getting harder and boring each other, we even have to self-study one chapter.... Was suppose to have Chinese oral today! BUT, the bell ring when it was going to be my turn! So end up, I don't have any practice for tomorrow's oral...
YAY for Stormy sub!!! They subbed Kaibutsu!Ohno is so damn cute there! I've lots of Kaibutsu gif. now!And there is this part of the show where Ohno sing!The lyrics is super cute! The tall man carrying Ohno, is the same age as him.... How can someone who is 30 this year be THIS adorable!
posted onThursday, April 22, 2010 by Huimin
 5battery test today, DAMN IT, pass everything expect for incline pull up again! ARGH! I DON'T WANT TO DO RETEST! DAMN IT~!!! AND, I have to collect everyone paper before I can go home! Annoying much! School was rather tiring today, people around me must have felt irritated with my constant complain... Especially during English, English lesson is getting more and more irritating, especially with the way she teach. I Don't feel like going to school tomorrow.....
posted onTuesday, April 20, 2010 by Huimin
Today's time-table got swop with Friday's one. So no early dismiss today.... PE is so troublesome this year, we even have a paper to do on PE for SA1, one more extra thing to study! And they make us wear PE shirt for 2 days for nothing! Annoying much! I just saw Atikah's blog.... "she(Miss Liu) told me the reason why she didn't put me(in the committee for band). She was like "I want you to concentrate more on your studies, i dont want you to get all work up and stress over the title/post thingy"
WHAT! WHAT ABOUT ME! I've 'N' Levels this year!!!! MY LIFE SUCKS
Ohno VS Sho
Sho: " People says it is bad but I call it Original."It is always nice to see Sho's and Ohno's drawing
posted onSaturday, April 17, 2010 by Huimin
 2.4 today. Well, it wasn't that bad. I think it is due to the fact that we're allow to use MP3 when running this year. I'm so glad my stomach didn't hell like hell after running, it always hurt, but not today! I pass my 2.4m, But I don't know my timing.
posted onFriday, April 16, 2010 by Huimin
I'LL MISS THIS BATCH OF SEC4/5 FOREVERWake up around 5 today and want to take the bus around 5.30 BUT the first bus only reach the stop at 6am, so I was there happily waiting while fasting finishing writing the letters for the graduating members. Reach band room, set instruments all, practice the 4 songs that we'll be playing. Overall, TODAY WAS GREAT! The BEST performance EVER! TRULY ENJOYED today's performance! Especially Instant Concert, so enjoyable! The audience laugh at our action! :D *throw papers, kick legs* can't wait for Mr. Chan to upload the video! Went back to band room, give letters and all before everyone when to look for their class. Surprising, NONE of us cry.
How I wish all this was a dream, a bad dream and when I wake up, everything will be back to normal.
posted onThursday, April 15, 2010 by Huimin
Happy Birthday DAIKIMY adorable penguin is finally 19! Cuteness overload~!!!WHY SO HOT!
posted onWednesday, April 14, 2010 by Huimin
Nose bleed again in the morning! So irritating! I was thinking s hard about going to school today cause I don't want to run 2.4 during PE and end up dreaming around running on the 2level with while chasing Arashi and when they finally stop, i trip and fall, someone catch me and I woke up, DAMN IT! I DIDN'T EVEN SEE WHO CAUGHT ME!
End up going to school AND running 2.4 which I manage to pass! Thanks to that I was bathing in my own sweat and my face went super red. Band after school was ARGH, for some reason my head hurts and going to band just make it worst and I was thinking why the hell was I doing there, I should have just pon band today!
Arashi playing with food
    ....... Aiba face is totally blank here. So they were eating this still alive octopus er... legs? And the thing suck their lips/gums/ tongue. This isn't that bad, I still remember the ep. where they eat a Whale's...*coughpeniscough*  Mood: ONOhno's serious mood! Imitating Sho's comment on NEWS Zero
posted onTuesday, April 13, 2010 by Huimin
School was pretty alright today. Somehow I couldn't stop talking today. The heat is getting worst each day! My nose bleed during Math again today, and stain my blouse. Mrs. Goh didn't allow me to go to the washroom until i saw her my bloody blouse.
Aiba new CMs
WHY CAN'T SINGAPORE HAVE SUCH GREAT CMs.Aiba look so pretty on the left! Somehow he remind me of Chinen.
Couple-ish tee?
Nino look so cute here! He become young again!
 This is how a cat behave with MatsuJundespite how much MatsuJun love animals, they seems to hate him  *give the 'damn you'* face to the cat.
 I never knew Sho's fail face can be this cute!
posted onMonday, April 12, 2010 by Huimin
That is what 10 years of conditioned molesting does to you (I'm surprise Nino can locate Ohno's nipple so fast.)Nino: What's so awesome lately is that when I touch his nipples, he just drinks his tea normally...Nino explains that he goes for Ohno's butt because he lets Nino to touch. Ohno said it's been like this for 10 years already so what can he do. Then Nino says that even recently he can touch Ohno's nipples but he just drink tea normally, and Ohno replied that "more than feeling something..i feel nothing!"Aiba: "Then why don't you go and touch Jun's nipples?"Nino: "Because as i said earlier when he hits it hurts too much!(because Jun always wear ring)" Ohno trying to get revenge?I can't sleep much last night, have cramp! The pain keep coming and going didn't want to go to school today but my mum didn't allow :( AND I don't want to miss Chinese listening. Didn't attend PE today cause my nose bleed(it bleed it the morning before I went to school) but still have to run 2.4 next lesson....DAMN, I guess I should try breaking my leg and get long-term MC.