posted onThursday, August 26, 2010 by Huimin
2009 Music Lovers performanceBeen so long since I last post. Well, there isn't much to post about anyway, just school... NRP this week, SS, Chinese and English. SS...can prepare to fail le, cause I didn't study for 1question for SEQ, SBQ was shocking cause we did the paper during SS workshop for those who attended. Chinese paper was okay??? Love English paper 1! Chose the question about your dream job and I wrote about working in the entertainment industry as Staff, don't need to think must, since it is already there.
Finally change my phone after so 3? years. Its a Nokia touch phone, now I can't deiced which wallpaper to use: Aiba, Arashi, Sakuraiba, Sho or Daiki.
Sometime, I think I am focusing too much on Aibaseriously! Aiba, what are you doing there?! okay, actually his hand is in his pocket Finally watch 2010 Music Lovers performance.Love it so much! There was two groups of audience, male and female. The male section was fresh? The reaction of the male and female fan is so different and it is nice to see male fan of Arashi's! AND DAMN THOSE MALE FAN, they get to touch Arashi! Cause Arashi think it is fine and safe to walk through the male crowd and JBGECUGUIF#GUIEWr#B^$#Found out one thing about male and female fans, the way they move during performance. The female fan is er... spread their hand and wave in the air but the male fan is throw fist.  There was this short talk after they perform Troublemaker. Ohno was complaining about how MatsuJun and Nino don't let his get to his position in between them when they do the sway. So Nino got angry and told him to go in between Aiba and Sho instead. Than they try it again but this time Aiba and Sho didn't let him enter too and Ohno was trying to find anyplace to enter.
posted onSaturday, August 21, 2010 by Huimin
Natsu Matsuri.Meet with Chleo and Maria and Compass and have lunch before heading to the Japanese Primary school. This year didn't need to queue for that long because Apple was already in the queue and we manage to cut it. First thing I saw when I enter the school, someone holding a Ohno Uchiwa, from last year's 5x10 concert! Later saw some other people holding Masuda and Tsuyoshi Uchiwa, Totally regret not bringing my Daiki Uchiwa! Line only move after quite awhile. First thing: Rent Yukata, BUT it was all gone! Second thing: Look for Apple Candy, BUT SOLD OUT! Damn fast! Damn it! Miss those 2 item for 2 years already! How early must we be to get them! It was super crowded , have slight headache and it still hurts now. Walk around, bought food and watch the performance. Went home with Apple and we were camwhoring on the bus.
posted onFriday, August 20, 2010 by Huimin
HAPPIEST DAY IN MY LIFEso farI finally got my first A1 after so many years! SO PROUD of my Humanities marks! If ONLY that is my 'N' Level mark! I can cry already! But seriously didn't expect to get THAT high for History since I didn't complete one question! Now all that is left unknown is English which I have a strong felling I fail, especially for paper 1, cause I literally wrote rubbish. Anyway, it was raining damn heavy in the morning and half my body got wet cause Yvonne shared her umbrella with me, my whole shoes and socks were soaked and everyone was putting their socks and shoes in front of the fan to dry off.
posted onThursday, August 19, 2010 by Huimin
Sho, you better stay away from the pipes!Happier with today's result! SO I pass Lit paper, borderline pass though.. but better than failing, quite surprise but happy since I gave up on studying Lit... AND MATH! I FREAKING PASS MATH!! Although it is borderline pass too, but still! I think if I wasn't so lazy and did check the paper after finishing, I would have gotten a bit higher! EXTREMELY SATISFIED with SS, didn't expect to get That high! My effort paid off! NOW FOR HISTORY TOMORROW*pray hard!*
posted onTuesday, August 17, 2010 by Huimin
so close...!Have been getting back some prelim results. Didn't do so well... how to get to sec5 like that! I can't see my passing 'N' levels at all! Disappointed with a lot of papers. But surprisingly, I pass Lit paper 2, on the dot. More than happy, since I seriously didn't not study, now I have to wait for tomorrow to know if I really pass overall....
 Went to Anabelle's house yesterday. Planned to watch movie but ended up watching anime the whole day. 07-Ghost, not a great anime, but fun to watch although it is getting boring and draggy and I have no idea whether to continue watching it or just drop it.
posted onSaturday, August 14, 2010 by Huimin
posted onMonday, August 9, 2010 by Huimin
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE :DNDP every year is like the same...same as every other normal day... stay at home and watch the parade from home. SO BORING! I want to do something different next year! Wanted to go to the Helix Bridge to watch fireworks but I think it was a too last minute decision so not many can make it so in the end cancelled it.
The one with the light is Aiba and the one with the camera is Ohno. Imitating this video that will play in Japan's cinema before a movie start National Day Celebration in school on Friday. SUPER BORING, why the hell did I go back for! DAMN boring, and I am not even playing with the band! The only fun part was the SJC version of don't forgot the lyrics and the house singing thing. Stay back after celebration for Pure Lit. remedial which we were late for an hour... cause we couldn't contact Berlina Tan. ANYWAY. Arashi's concert goods list came out! They have 4 new items this time: Adhesive Plaster, Hood Towel(just for Koku), Pin Batch(I think different for every dome/hall) and Masking Tape Set. BUT IT IS FREAKING EXPENSIVE.*hint hint* early birthday present?! Really want the hood towel but I scared later the design ugly! (don't trust JE's designer)Wanted list: Jumbo/Mini Uchiwa - S$18/S$11 Clearfile - S$18 Penlight - S$35 Hp Strap - S$35 Adhesive Plaster - S$16 Pin Badge - S$32 Hooded Towel - S$85 Rough translation"Have the rest of the member meet other Hollywood stars?"*turn and spot Nino*"Ah we have, Nino" Poor Aiba! He look so scared Oguri Shun appear in Arashi ni Shigayare and give Arashi glasses Didn't notice Jun's shirt till here! I♥FUCKI doubt he know what it means... I LOVE how Aiba can looked into Sho's mouth which contain 18m worth of Ramen and NOT BE gross out
posted onThursday, August 5, 2010 by Huimin
Prelims.English on Monday. Chinese on Tuesday.Both Paper 1 was kind of hard. Especially for English. Chinese Paper 2 was hard! Lots of difficult words! I've little confident for the close passage!
Wednesday was Social Studies and Math.Went back for Night Study the day before and even burn midnight oil to study for Social Studies. Chose do to Health care for SEQ and the SBQ was on ... I can't remember... Sacrifice recess to study Math. The paper was... so-so? I don't know how I will do for the paper... I HOPE I PASS History and Chemistry today. Went back to school for Night Study at 6 so that I can study at least 1 hour of Chemistry before focusing on History. Burn midnight oil again and maybe I was too stress? woke up at 6++in the morning and couldn't get myself to sleep again so decide to revision for History again. I LOVE RUSSIA SO MUCH. It was a right thing to focus on Russia! It came out for SEQ along with Germany and Japan. SBQ was on appeasement policy which I can't finish one question, Usefulness. Only left 15minutes when I finish the 1 st paragarhp for it and decided to do Evaluation first since it is easily to score marks for that. Aiba smile is so cute♥ And to think that he didn't even make a sound when he went to haunted house
Aiba look so feminine here! 