posted onThursday, October 28, 2010 by Huimin
 Went back to school for band only today. Was late cause I miss the bus D: rush like mad into the band room. But once I reach there, Ms Liu and Mr. Yea asked me about the transfer to saxophone. I seriously did not thought that they will consider me. Since I am already sec4, not to mention that I don't even know if I can make it back next year. I thought they will have someone in sec2 or something to transfer over?! I didn't even think much of it after telling Ms Liu that I was interested in playing the saxophone yesterday, and I have 0% of hope when I told her even though she took it quite seriously. I mean, even if she agree, I expected the conductors to disagree. So yeah, after talking to them, they said they will let me try and I spent the whole band section today in the storeroom self-learning how to play the saxophone. I hope I make the right choice. I already miss my clarinet D: I was given the Alto Saxophone~! Heavier than expected and I still don't really get the right way to hold it, it just felt weird? Since I already played the Clarinet for 4years, I was able to er make sound? using the saxophone, in short thing is easier for me :D Although adapting to a new set of fingerings is difficult. Learn everything through using Essential Element. But I became hungry and began to loss concentration at page14 in addition, I can't get the Low D sound correct! But I can't seems to control my volume, I sound so loud that the whole band can heard outside. Bought home the saxophone to practice and I have problem standing straight carrying it on my back. So if one day my sitting posture became like Nino's, I blame the saxophone! Anyway, hands hurts after the 4hours of practice ,I feels like chopping it off D:
 Especially Aiba's zebra print jacket :D
posted onWednesday, October 27, 2010 by Huimin
YAY~! Last day of school~!!!(self-declared)I like how when Ohba are running towards each other, the cameramen are closing up on them :DSchool was extremely boring today. Had nothing to do at all until Science... Played Stress and UNO with Mark Chan in the morning. During pure Literature, was suppose to go to Lit lesson, apparently Berlina Tan planned some drama thing?(act out scene in IS and Raisin) but I manage to hide and skip it. The F&N teacher came in and started talking about her life... After recess, went for lit lesson since she found me during recess...Anyway, Chemistry WAS AWESOME. Did experiments, mixed different salt and solution together :D Anyway, NEWS's Fighting Man PV is out and it is freaking nice! Why can't Arashi's PV be as nice as theirs?! OH, MY SIS BOUGHT FOR ME A FREAKING HARD DISK! :D and it is not even near my birthday yet! HELL YEAH, going to flood it with fandom stuff 8D. Hmm.. now trying to decide a new for many potential name D:
  This is just so beautiful~  This 3 look awesome as well, love the blue one especially :D  After school, meet up with Xin Rong and head to the compulsory DM and BM camp briefing, which is ALL THE WAY AT NEWTON. Praying hard that we will not get lost cause either of us had been to newton before. Took train there and was trying to figure the right bus to take there but We couldn't and decided it was safer to just cab there, that place is pretty wu-lu and the bus stop is DAMN FAR AWAY from the venue.  I don't know why but I was super nervous when I reach the venue, me and Xin Rong were like "can you imagine, you will be talking to all these strangers in a few weeks time."I want to say that the camp seems fun but I can't cause it is going to be VERY tough, I will mostly be doing marching under the hot sun? And I have to bring the Maze to there and back home every day... After the briefing took bus all the way back , the ride was super long.  And there is another new addition to my family :D This is Ashely, she is so adorable! She like to lay beside someone and her fur is so soft~
posted onTuesday, October 26, 2010 by Huimin
 School was a killer today, just racked my brain just now doing 2 Chinese composition and in school doing 1 Chinese letter writing, tough head ahead before O level end D: ...all the intensive programmes and homework coming up D: Going to self-declare tomorrow as last day of school Adorable Tanned Daiki :D Adorable scared DaikiAdorable confuse Daiki
 Adorable stress Daiki Damn, how can he be so adorable even when he got the wrong answer!
posted onFriday, October 22, 2010 by Huimin
What on earth is Chinen and Inoo doing my Daiki~?!?!?!Didn't go to school for the past 2 days. It already felt like holiday to me! Damn, so not looking forward to school next week. And I received details for next year's SYF marching video, I really feel like crying looking at it...all the command and everything, to make thing worst, I AM BAD AT DRILLS and I don't recall having any drills at all this year... I need to say I have a love-hate relationship with the November issue of TV Japan. The photoshoot is about the fans favorite pairing. I was praying so hard for my OTP- Sakuraiba, But damn, the J apanese fan have such different taste from the oversea fans! The result is really unexpected. 1st place: OhbaSuper shock..I expected at least Aimiya since I heard they were quite popular in Japan. Follow by the Yama pair And Matsumiya.'Seriously, 2DoS together?!' was the first thing that come to my mind Sakumiya.. And finally Junba :D But they didn't reveal the remaining pairing rank. For the 1st place I didn't put much hope for Sakuraiba or even Ohmiya cause from what I know, Ohmiya isn't popular in Japan compare to oversea and Sakuraiba is also a minor pairing. But to have Aimiya not even making into Top5? quite shock cause I heard that is one of the popular pairing in Japan...D: If this is answer by Oversea fans I am sure Ohmiya will top the list follow by Sakuraiba.
posted onWednesday, October 20, 2010 by Huimin
Serious at MatsuJun's method. Somehow, Aiba reminds me of a cat.Going back to school is just a waste of time and energy. Before recess just sit in class and rot. Went over to 4B1's classroom and apple lend me her Japanese notes to study :D Had Chemistry, English and Chinese lesson after recess. And damn, one of my Chinese Intensive programmes day crash with my NCO camp... Mark Chan told me that even if I were to attend the NCO camp, I won't even receive the badge...whats this man...Just made me not liking it even more D: FML Back to band today, finally play my Clarinet after so long, a bit dusty... Was a bit lost during practise today and giving command at the end. And there is so many new title, sign read 2songs today, but it was quite easy :D
posted onTuesday, October 19, 2010 by Huimin
I have no idea why I went back to school today for, it was just a waste of time and effort... Some talk about bench safety in the morning follow by 4period of filling in survey. Finished that 2hr survey thing in 15minutes? and use the rest of the time fangirling with Natasha using the computer. After recess is more waste of time since it was math lesson and I didn't bring my calculator and couldn't do anything. Started fangirling with Natasha again and we were smiling so much that our jaws hurts. Damn, I can't find my spectacles and I think I left it in school computer lab... I hope I can find it! It feels weird to use the computer without my spectacles... And damn, I just remember tomorrow is Wednesday...finally back to band again ah...
Here is Sho, Very happy with how it turn out especially the head and hair And here is Nino...Which turns out horrible. Tried drawing him 2times and it both fail. He just look fat and his hair here is weird since idk how to draw the one in the photo THE 30-DAYS- SHORTEN-TO-7-DAYS-BECAUSE-NO-ONE-IS-ABLE-TO-KEEP-IT-COMING-FOR-30-DAYS-ARASHICRACKADAY MEME!!!Day 01 : The things you want to do with/to your favorite member and/or all of them. Day 02 : Your favorite biggest mystery in Arashi fandom. (Nino being forever young, Jun's penis, why Sho will fail at 100% all the time...) Day 03 : Your favorite naked picture of all time. (Why not?) Day 04: The funniest moment ever in Arashi's history. (Do mention if Sho!fail is included.) Day 05: If you could choose between stockings on your head, nipple t-shirt, panda makeup, golden guy makeup or the swan, which one would you choose, and why? (none is not an acceptable answer.)Day 06: Philosophically, do you think Nino is more like a shrimp or a chicken, and would you eat it anyway?Day 07: Whatever tickles your tickling area.I am losing interset in this meme already, just I will get this over with. Day6A shrimp. Maybe due to the way he sit or something? it :D Day7A lot of things, but I think it is not safe to say it here 8D
posted onSunday, October 17, 2010 by Huimin
Ah-ah, need to go back to school in a few more days... Got board of staying at home today and try drawing after 35320967238years . Well, I am quite happy with it? Especially the clothes.   Got lazy when I was drawing the belt and..the pose look so different because of the position of the hand and head, but I can't get it right? Change the hair cause I hate how Aiba's hair look like in the photo. Oh and I still can't draw face to save my life...  Notice the scarf~? 8D And this is how the title of Arashi no Shukudai- kun come about. THE 30-DAYS-SHORTEN-TO-7-DAYS-BECAUSE-NO-ONE-IS-ABLE-TO-KEEP-IT-COMING-FOR-30-DAYS-ARASHICRACKADAY MEME!!! Day 01 : The things you want to do with/to your favorite member and/or all of them. Day 02 : Your favorite biggest mystery in Arashi fandom. (Nino being forever young, Jun's penis, why Sho will fail at 100% all the time...) Day 03 : Your favorite naked picture of all time. (Why not?) Day 04: The funniest moment ever in Arashi's history. (Do mention if Sho!fail is included.) Day 05: If you could choose between stockings on your head, nipple t-shirt, panda makeup, golden guy makeup or the swan, which one would you choose, and why? (none is not an acceptable answer.) Day 06: Philosophically, do you think Nino is more like a shrimp or a chicken, and would you eat it anyway? Day 07: Whatever tickles your tickling area.
This is a hard question... lets see.... Stocking on Head... Nipple t-shirt... Panda makeup.... Golden Guy makeup... Swan...I think I will go with either Panda make up or Golden Guy least they are not that humiliating? Nipple t-shirt is the last time I want to land on..than follow by stocking on head...
posted onSaturday, October 16, 2010 by Huimin
Went for band committee meeting in the morning. Have to plan for Chalet but it wasn't that productive since we have so much unconfirmed stuff. Planning for these type of things is so troublesome... D: I rather plan for another band camp than this... Just going back for this meeting remind me of needing to go back to Band next week and attend the NCO Camp which I don't look forward to at all I forgot to mention yesterday, the release date of GANTZ in Singapore have been decided, 14APRIL 2011! And they might release Ooku in Asia too!!! PLEASE COME TO SINGAPORE.THE 30-DAYS- SHORTEN-TO-7-DAYS-BECAUSE-NO-ONE-IS-ABLE-TO-KEEP-IT-COMING-FOR-30-DAYS-ARASHICRACKADAY MEME!!!Day 01 : The things you want to do with/to your favorite member and/or all of them. Day 02 : Your favorite biggest mystery in Arashi fandom. (Nino being forever young, Jun's penis, why Sho will fail at 100% all the time...) Day 03 : Your favorite naked picture of all time. (Why not?)Day 04: The funniest moment ever in Arashi's history. (Do mention if Sho!fail is included.)Day 05: If you could choose between stockings on your head, nipple t-shirt, panda makeup, golden guy makeup or the swan, which one would you choose, and why? (none is not an acceptable answer.) Day 06: Philosophically, do you think Nino is more like a shrimp or a chicken, and would you eat it anyway? Day 07: Whatever tickles your tickling area. D no Arashi era to Arashi no Shukudai-Kun era. I still hate the fact that they stop AnS why must they stop such a wonderful show and start the not so wonderful Arashi ni Shiyagare?! All the epic moment born from DnA- AnS era, specfilly, A no Arashi and Aiba's Dice Game-where all the stocking over head and stuff come out. There is Sakurai- kun and Ohno- kun Oekaki Concentration Game, the place where Sho's famous totoro come from. In Arashi No shukudai kun there is AiLand where the infamous boobs-poping episode, and that episode where they blindfold Arashi to see if they can dance A.RA.SHI. in that condition, the 80secs talk etc. take place Aiba's Dice Game is still the best among all over thing anytime. I was watching G no Arashi this few days and my parents keep looking at me like I went mad when I laugh. Sakurai-kun and Ohno-kun Oekaki Concentration Game This is where Sho and Ohno will be asked to draw something and they will use those drawing in a mixing game.
Sho's totoro, Ohno's totoro and the original totoro  And all the famous Aiba Dice Game and the humiliating punishment