posted onThursday, December 29, 2011 by Huimin

We met up at 11 or 12, i think? And went to KFC for lunch first. Watched Arashi's 5x10 concert while doing the Uchiwa. After that we went to town to meet Vanessa and go Kino to get my issue of TV LIFE. Hmmm...can't really remember what we do after that Z.Z

Went out with Venna, Kristy, Atiqah, Siao Shuen and Li Hui. Had lucnh at Pepper Lunch first because we were all dying from hunger. Went to Far East for some reason(I think cause Kristy and Van wanted to look at shoes) and we ended up walking around the shopping mall due the the sudden rain.
Venna and I spot this shop that sell badges and I was like "Aiyo, confirm no Arashi" The shop keeper heard it and shouted "We have Arashi!" Me and Venna was dammmnnn hyper and called the others into the shop. Turn out that he did have Arashi but only a few designs(as expected). So going back to the shop to customize more Arashi badges!

Went back to Taka, Kino, as usual before slacking around Ion.
This foreigner guy nearly enter the female toilet! Lucky Venna, Atiqah, Li Hui and I were outside to stop him.
This foreigner guy nearly enter the female toilet! Lucky Venna, Atiqah, Li Hui and I were outside to stop him.

Li Hui and I went to Cheryl's house to make our "Thank-you" gift to Omochi-san, who will be giving us and 15 other fangirls Arashi stickers. Me and Cheryl was suppose to start with the present first but we got distracted for like 1hour plus. When we were just starting, Li Hui reach >.< hahah, so much for meeting earlier.
It was so much fun doing the present! Although I was pretty much slacking... I only draw out the SJ template for Cheryl to make the strap and help with the outline and colouring of the card.